prince272 / nextsolution

A starter template that combines an ASP.NET API backend with a Next.js frontend.

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NextSolution - ASP.NET API & Next.js Template πŸš€

Welcome to NextSolution, a starter template that combines an ASP.NET API backend with a Next.js frontend. This template provides a foundation for building modern web applications with a powerful backend and a dynamic frontend. Below you'll find details about the template's structure and its key components.

Table of Contents πŸ“‘

Introduction 🌟

NextSolution is a template that brings together an ASP.NET API backend and a Next.js frontend. This combination offers the benefits of a robust backend with ASP.NET and a responsive, interactive frontend using Next.js.

Getting Started πŸš€

Prerequisites πŸ› οΈ

Backend Installation βš™οΈ

  1. Clone this repository: git clone
  2. Navigate to the backend directory: cd NextSolution.WebApi
  3. Install backend dependencies: dotnet restore
  4. Build and run the backend application: dotnet run

Frontend Installation βš™οΈ

  1. Return to the main directory: cd nextsolution
  2. Navigate to the frontend directory: cd NextSolution.WebApp
  3. Install frontend dependencies: npm install

Backend Setup πŸ”§

The backend is organized into different projects for core functionality and infrastructure.

Configuration βš™οΈ

The backend's configuration is managed through the appsettings.json file. Update settings such as database connection strings, authentication providers, and email settings based on your project's requirements.

Authentication πŸ”‘

The template supports user authentication and authorization using ASP.NET Identity. You can configure authentication settings in the Startup.cs file.

Database πŸ—„οΈ

The template uses Entity Framework Core for database operations. Database context is configured in the AppDbContext.cs file, and migrations are managed using Entity Framework's tools.

Email and SMS πŸ“§πŸ“±

Email sending is implemented using MailKit, and the template includes a fake SMS sender for testing.

Frontend Setup πŸ”¨

The frontend is built with Next.js, providing a fast and dynamic user experience.

Scripts πŸ“œ

In the NextSolution.WebApp directory, you can use the following npm scripts:

  • dev: Start the development server
  • dev:ssl: Start the development server with SSL (useful for testing)
  • start: Start the production server
  • lint: Run ESLint
  • format:check: Check code formatting using Prettier
  • format: Format code using Prettier

Dependencies πŸ“¦

The frontend relies on several dependencies, including:

  • Next.js
  • React
  • Axios
  • React Hook Form
  • Tailwind CSS
  • FilePond
  • nextui
  • libphonenumber-js
  • lodash
  • ....

Dev Dependencies πŸ”§

Dev dependencies for the frontend include tools like Prettier, ESLint, and others. Refer to the package.json file for the complete list.

Deployment πŸš€

For deployment, follow standard procedures for deploying an ASP.NET application and a Next.js application. Configure environment-specific settings in the appsettings.json file and the frontend's environment variables.

Contributing πŸ‘₯

Contributions to this template are welcome. If you encounter issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on the GitHub repository.

Support πŸ™Œ

If you find this template helpful, consider supporting the project by contributing, giving it a star ⭐️ on GitHub, or sharing it with others who might benefit from it.

License πŸ“„

This template is licensed under the MIT License.


A starter template that combines an ASP.NET API backend with a Next.js frontend.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 62.2%Language:TypeScript 36.3%Language:JavaScript 1.1%Language:HTML 0.3%Language:CSS 0.1%