Example projects demonstrating a React component integrating with an existing JQuery web application.
Example 1 (Demo) demonstrates a React component modifying an existing JQuery web application by using the $(this) context. The component is passed a reference to JQuery in its constructor.
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MyComponent, { context: $('body') }), document.getElementById('root'));
Example 2 (Demo) demonstrates a React component modifying an existing JQuery web application through an intermediate manager class. The component is passed a reference to the class in its constructor. The component can make changes to web page elements, outside of its internal scope, through calls to the manager class.
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MyComponent, { context: UIManager }), document.getElementById('root'));
Example 3 (Demo) demonstrates a React component changing its own UI elements depending on values from an existing JQuery web application. The component is passed a reference to a publisher/subscriber class in its constructor. The component can listen for events from the JQuery web application and update its own internal UI elements in response.
ReactDOM.render(React.createElement(MyComponent, { context: PubSubManager }), document.getElementById('root'));
// ...
// Subscribe to color events.
this.state.context.subscribe(this, this.onColor);
// ...
onColor(color, that) {
// Event callback from JQuery app. Update the state value for color.
that.setState({ color: color });
Kory Becker http://www.primaryobjects.com/kory-becker