prhr / ApiGateway-Fargate-Terraform-templates

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API Gateway to ECS Fargate

You can use this implementaiton to put up docker api based container into a private subnet without having to keep a loadbalancer or nat gateway running and incurring costs. This architecture uses purely serverless components and is meant to do POC's but can be scaled with loadbalancers and monitoring agents. This sets up an isolated container which has no public route to the internet and instead uses AWS network(vpc endpoints) to contact other AWS service/apis. The Docker image envisaged for this has 3 api routes but you should change API Gateway recource mapping for your specific needs.


Input arguments

  • Existing domain name registered in route53 eg ""
  • Subdomain you want create on your domain name for api gateway to setup eg "sidecar"
  • SSL certificate ARN
  • VPC ID with at least 2 private subnets and DNS hostnames and DNS Resolution activated.
  • Docker container/task command arguments ie port mapping. This needs to be in the form of a list eg ["-listen", "tcp://:5000"].


The following are required to deploy this Terraform module

  1. Valid SSL certificate ARN matching on the domain name alias which you intend to use ie "".
  2. Docker image locally to push to newly created ECS. This containers serves 3 api endpoints(metrics, health and metrics/health), you should change your terraform intergrations to match your own container requirements
  3. VPC with at least 2 private subnets and DNS hostnames and DNS Resolution activated.
  4. Existing domain name registered in route53 eg ""
  5. Terraform must be bootstrapped. This means that a state S3 bucket and a state locking DynamoDB table must be initialized.

Post Launch commands to push local docker image to ECR repo

  • Give ECR login credentials for docker aws ecr get-login-password --region eu-west-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
  • Tag local docker image docker tag LOCAL_DOCKERIMAGE:latest
  • Push to newly created ECR repo. Value is outputed docker push

Rescources created

  • API Gateway HTTP protocol. With 3 intergrations routes, Metrics, Health and metrics/prometheus
  • Custom Domain name for API gateway
  • VPC Link for API
  • Service discovery for ECS
  • ECR Repo
  • ECS Cluster
  • VPC Endpoints
  • IAM Policies and roles
  • Fargate Task Definition
  • Route 53 record with alias to API Gateway VPClink
  • Security groups

Module Variables

Variable Description Type Default Required
domain_name Existing domain record already setup in route53 string na Yes
route53_subdomain subdomain name which API gateway will use for custom domain setup. Needs to match the ACM SSL string na Yes
domain_name_certificate_arn The ACM certificate ARN to use for the api gateway string na Yes
region AWS region to deploy resources string eu-west-2 Yes
name_prefix name prefix to give to all recources in project string sidecar Yes
command_args docker container command arguments string na Yes
controller_port port number for container to publish integer 5000 Yes
controller_cpu The amount of CPU to dedicate to the fargate task. This must be one of the accepted Fargate options. number 2048 Yes
controller_memory The amount of memory to dedicate to the fargate task. This must be one of the accepted Fargate options. number 4096 Yes
default_tags A mapping set of tags available to set on resources map(string) `Terraform = "true" Yes



Language:HCL 100.0%