prgueza / vuex-cache

Configurable Vue.js cache plugin for axios using the vuex store.

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Configurable Vue.js cache plugin for axios using the vuex store.


Install the package using npm and save it as a dependency.

$ npm install --save @pedro-rodalia/vuex-cache

Basic usage

The cache vuex plugin uses axios interceptors and adapters in order to implement a cache system, so it needs an axios instance for it to work. The axios instance is passed as the first argument to the plugin initialization function. If there is no second argument specifying custom settings, it will run using the default settings.

// Import cache package
import cache from '@pedro-rodalia/vuex-cache'

// Create an axios instance where the cache will be implemented
const axiosInstance = axios.create(axios.defaults)

// Initialize Vuex plugin using the created instance and default settings
const cachePlugin = cache(axiosInstance)

// Use the plugin within the store
export const store = new Vuex.Store({
  plugins: [
  modules: {

Default global settings

By default, the plugin is configured to cache only 'get' requests for every request that uses the axios instance. It stores the response for 60 seconds and has the garbageCollector set to false so the store will not clean itself up after a response is outdated.

It will try to fallback to cached responses on internal server errors (500) and return responses with a 304 status and a 'Not modified' message for cached responses and 'Fallback result' for fallback responses.


Using custom global settings

An object specifying custom settings can be passed as a second argument. This settings will override the default settings.

// Declare a configuration object
const config = {
  methods: ['get', 'post'],
  endpoints: [{
    endpoint: '/users',
    methods: ['get', 'post'],
    exact: true
  ttl: 120,
  garbageCollector: false,
  fallback: [400, 500],
  cachedResponseStatus: 304,
  cachedResponseMessage: 'This is a cached response',
  fallbackResponseStatus: 304,
  fallbackResponseMessage: 'This is a fallback response'

// Initialize Vuex plugin using the created instance and custom settings
const cachePlugin = cache(axiosInstance, config)

Global settings

The custom configuration object can have the following properties.

Name Type Default Description
methods array ['get'] Defines a list of methods for which the responses will be cached
endpoints array/object [] Defines a list of endpoints for which the responses will be cached / Defines an object with key/value pairs defining both the endpoint and the methods for the requests that will be cached
ttl number 60 Determines for how long a cached response is considered valid
garbageCollector boolean false If set to true responses will clean themselves up after they are no longer valid responses (ttl seconds have passed)
fallback array [500] Determines whether to answer a request with an outdated cached response if the request has returned an error. By default it only has this behaviour for INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (500) errors.
cachedResponseStatus number 304 Determines the http status code for the cached response
cachedResponseMessage string 'Not Modified' Determines the status message for the cached response
fallbackResponseStatus number cachedResponseStatus Determines the http status code for the outdated cached responses used with the fallback feature
fallbackResponseMessage string 'Fallback result' Determines the status message for the outdated cached responses used with the fallback feature
  • methods and endpoints

By default the plugin will cache only get requests and only if the endpoints property is not set. If we set the endpoints property for caching a specific method/endpoint request, and we still want to cache all the 'get' requests for the other endpoints, the methods property must be set manually and passed as a custom configuration.

// This configuration will cache all 'get' requests (default config)
const config = {}

// This configuration will cache all 'get' and 'post' requests
const config = {
  methods: ['get', 'post']

// This configuration will ONLY cache 'get' requests for the users endpoint
const config = {
  endpoints: [{
    endpoint: '/users',
    methods: ['get']

// This configuration will cache 'get' requests for the users endpoint and 'get' and 'post'
// requests for any other endpoint
const config = {
  methods: ['get', 'post'], // Set manually as custom config
  endpoints: [{
    endpoint: '/users',
    methods: ['get']

When the endpoints setting is set the plugin will cache the responses from endpoints that match the endpoint property of each object within the setting. If we want to catch endpoints that exactly match this property, the match property must be set to true.

For example, if the /users endpoint returns a list of users and the /users/:id endpoint returns details about a specific user, we can cache just the list service which returns basic data unlikely to change, but still ask the server for the details.

// This configuration will cache get requests for the /users endpoint and
// the /users/:id endpoints
const config = {
  endpoitns: [{
    endpoint: '/users',
    methods: ['get']

// This configuration will ONLY cache get requests for the /users endpoint and
// not for the specific /users/:id endpoints
const config = {
  endpoitns: [{
    endpoint: '/users',
    methods: ['get'],
    exact: true
  • ttl

The ttl property specifies for how long a cached response is considered as valid. This means that if we make a request to an already cached endpoint, and ttl seconds haven't passed, the response will be the cached response from the previous request. On the other hand, if ttl seconds have passed, the response is considered outdated and the request is then resolved by the server.

If the garbageCollector property is set to false, outdated cached responses will be used as a valid response if the server returns any error included in the fallback configuration array.

const config = {
  ttl: 120 // Manually set the ttl to 2 minutes
  • garbageCollector

The garbageCollector property configures timers for the cached response to clean themselves up. Once their ttl has expired, the pair key/value for the response is deleted from the cache store. When garbageCollector is set to true the plugin won't test cached responses expiration date, but the ttl is still needed in order to configure the timers. If not set manually, responses will disappear after 60 seconds.

const config = {
  ttl: 120, // seconds
  garbageCollector: true // Responses will be deleted after 2 minutes
  • fallback

The fallback property is used to determine a list of http status codes for which the response will try to return a cached response for that endpoint if it has been stored previously. If the garbageCollector is set to true this feature will not work, because outdated responses are deleted and the only way to ask the service for a new response before the cached one has been deleted would be forcing the request using the reload request configuration. When forcing the reload it doesn't make much sense to return cached data, which could lead to confusion.

By default, internal server errors (500) will try to fallback to cached data.

// Use the fallback feature for internal server (500) errors and not found (404) errors
const config = {
  fallback: [500, 404]

// disable the fallback feature
const config = {
  fallback: []
  • cachedResponseStatus and cachedResponseMessage

This properties define the status code and status message for cached responses. By default is set to return a response with the 304 status code and a 'Not modified' message, but can be configured to any other values.

// Use this configuration to make the cache system transparent
const config = {
  cachedResponseStatus: 200,
  cachedResponseMessage: 'OK'
  • fallbackResponseStatus and fallbackResponseMessage

This properties define the status code and status message for responses used by the fallback feature. By default is set to return a response with the cachedResponseStatus code and a 'Fallback result' message, but can be configured to any other values.

// Use this configuration to make the cache system transparent
const config = {
  fallbackResponseStatus: 200,
  fallbackResponseMessage: 'OK'

Using custom request settings

🚧 Axios request configuration can be set as usual, but it's not fully tested so some configurations might interfere with the plugin.

Most of the global properties can be set within the request configuration object and would provide the same functionality for that specific request.

Name Type Default (from global) Description
ttl number ttl Determines for how long a cached response is considered valid
garbageCollector boolean garbageCollector If set to true responses will clean themselves up after they are no longer valid responses (ttl seconds have passed)
fallback array fallback Determines whether to answer a request with an outdated cached response if the request has returned an error. By default it only has this behaviour for INTERNAL SERVER ERROR (500) errors.
cachedResponseStatus number cachedResponseStatus Determines the http status code for the cached response
cachedResponseMessage string cachedResponseMessage Determines the status message for the cached response
fallbackResponseStatus number cachedResponseStatus Determines the http status code for the outdated cached responses used with the fallback feature
fallbackResponseMessage string fallbackResponseStatus Determines the status message for the outdated cached responses used with the fallback feature

There are two more configuration options for specific requests which help manage the cache status.

Creating groups (groups)

Requests can be grouped under a unique identifier using the group property. This will save a reference to the cachedResponses that belong to the same group, so they can be deleted easily when needed.

This is useful because sometimes we want a specific request that modifies data in the server to clear any related cached response which would contain outdated data.

In order to achieve this we would group all the related requests under the same group. Requests can belong to multiple teams at once.

// Request configuration
const requestConfiguration = { groups: ['users'] }

// Use this configuration within multiple requests
api.get('/users', requestConfiguration).then()
api.get('/users/:id', requestConfiguration).then()

Clearing groups (clear)

If we want to clear requests that belong to a specific group when we make a different request, the clear setting must specify a list of groups we want to be cleared.

For instance, if we ask the server for a list of users that we think might have changed (using the reload setting), we probably want the cache to remove all the cached responses for the individual users. This way, when afterwards we ask for a specific user, we get fresh data from the server.

// Request configuration
const requestConfiguration = { reload: true, clear: ['users'] }

// Clear the 'users' group
api.get('/users', requestConfiguration).then()

// Get fresh data from the server

The request that triggers this setting doesn't necessary need to belong to the groups it clears.


Configurable Vue.js cache plugin for axios using the vuex store.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%