preslavrachev / go-ssc

⚙️ Concept of Golang HTML render engine with frontend components and dynamic behavior

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Go SSC (Go Server Side Components)

HTML render engine concept, that brings frontend-like components experience to the server side with native html/template on steroids. Supports any serving basis (nethttp/Gin/etc), that provides io.Writer for response.

Disclaimer 1

Under heavy development, not stable (!!!)

Disclaimer 2

I'm not Golang "rockstar", and code may be not so good quality as you may expect. If you see any problems in the project - feel free to open new Issue.



I'm trying to minimize usage of popular SPA/PWA frameworks where it's not needed at all because it adds a lot of complexity and overhead. I don't want to bring large runtime, VirtualDOM and webpack into project with minimal dynamic frontend behavior.
This project proves posibility to keep most of the logic on the server side.

What problems it solves? Why not plain GoKit?

While developing website's frontend with Go I realised some downsides of such approach:

  • With plain html/template your're starting to repeat yourself. It's harder to define reusable parts
  • You must to repeat DTO calls for each page, where you're using reusable parts
  • With Go's routines approach it's hard to make async-like DTO calls in the handlers
  • For dynamic things, you still need to use JS and client-side DOM modification

Complexity is much higher when all of them combined.

This engine tries to bring components and async experience to the traditional server side rendering.


  • Don't replace Golang's features, that already exist
  • Don't do work that's already done
  • Don't bind developer with specific solutions (Gin/Chi/GORM/sqlx/etc), let developer choose
  • Use server for rendering, no JS specifics or client-side only behavior


  • Component approach in mix with html/template
  • Asynchronous operations
  • Component methods, that can be called from client side (Server Side Actions, SSA)
  • Different types of components communication (parent, cross)

Quick start (simple page)

Basic page (on Gin basis)

package main



// PageIndex is an implementation of ssc.Page interface
type PageIndex struct{}

// Template is a required page method. It tells about template configuration
func (*PageIndex) Template() *template.Template {
    // Template body is located in index.html
    // <html>
    //   <body>The most basic example</body>
    // </html>
    tmpl, _ := template.New("index.html").ParseGlob("*.html")
    return tmpl

func main() {
    g := gin.Default()

    g.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
        ssc.RenderPage(c.Writer, &PageIndex{})


Basic concepts

Each page or component is represented by own-declared structure. For implementing specific functionality, you can use structure's methods with predefined declaration (f.e. Init(p ssc.Page)). You need to follow declaration rules to match needed interfaces (you can find all interfaces in types.go).
Before implementing any method, you need to understand rendering lifecycle.


Page's lifecycle is hidden under render function and follows this steps:

  • Defining shared variables (waitgroup, errors channel)
  • Triggering page's Init() to initialize and register components
  • Running all component's Async() functions in separate goroutines
  • Wait till all asynchronous operations will be completed
  • Call AfterAsync() for each component
  • Cleaning up registered components (not needed more for internal usage)
  • Getting page's template and render

Even if methods like Init() or Async() may handle your business logic like forms processing, please, try to avoid that. Keep business logic in handlers and use this library only for page rendering.


To implement page, you need to declare structure with Template() *template.Template method. It's minimal requirements for page. Also, page has optional methods:

  • Init() - used to initialize page, f.e. components registering or providing default values
  • Meta() ssc.Meta - used to provide advanced page meta, like title, description, hreflangs, etc.

Example of page

Reference page is here. Check demo for full review.

package main

import (


type PageIndex struct {
    ComponentHttpbinUUID   ssc.Component
    ComponentCounter       ssc.Component
    ComponentSampleBinding ssc.Component
    ComponentSampleParent  ssc.Component

func (*PageIndex) Template() *template.Template {
    return template.Must(template.New("page.index.html").Funcs(funcmap()).ParseGlob("*.html"))

func (p *PageIndex) Init() {
    p.ComponentHttpbinUUID = ssc.RegC(p, &ComponentHttpbinUUID{})
    p.ComponentCounter = ssc.RegC(p, &ComponentCounter{})
    p.ComponentSampleBinding = ssc.RegC(p, &ComponentSampleBinding{})
    p.ComponentSampleParent = ssc.RegC(p, &ComponentSampleParent{})

func (*PageIndex) Meta() ssc.Meta {
    return ssc.Meta{
        Title: "SSC Example",
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
    {{ meta . }}
    {{ dynamics }}
    <link href="^2/dist/tailwind.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
    <div class="pt-24"></div>
        <img src="/static/ssclogo.png" alt="Logo" width="400" class="m-auto">
    <h1 class="mt-4 text-5xl text-center">Go SSC Demo Page</h1>
    <div class="pt-16"></div>
    <h2 class="text-3xl text-center">Httpbin UUID</h2>
    <p class="text-center">UUID, fetched on the server side, asynchronously, from</p>
    <div class="mt-2 text-center">
        {{ template "ComponentHttpbinUUID" .ComponentHttpbinUUID }}
    <div class="pt-16"></div>
    <h2 class="text-3xl text-center">Counter</h2>
    <p class="text-center">Counter, fully implemented on server side (Server Side Actions, SSA)</p>
    <div class="mt-2 text-center">
        {{ template "ComponentCounter" .ComponentCounter }}
    <div class="pt-16"></div>
    <h2 class="text-3xl text-center">Binding</h2>
    <p class="text-center">Demo of Client Side state binding with Server Side calculation</p>
    <div class="mt-2 text-center">
        {{ template "ComponentSampleBinding" .ComponentSampleBinding }}
    <div class="pt-16"></div>
    <h2 class="text-3xl text-center">Parent Component Communication</h2>
    <p class="text-center">SSA, triggered from child component</p>
    <div class="mt-2 text-center">
        {{ template "ComponentSampleParent" .ComponentSampleParent }}
    <div class="pt-16"></div>


To implement component, you just need to declare structure. There are no minimal requirements for component. Also, component has optional methods:

  • Init(p ssc.Page) - used to initialize component, f.e. nested components registering or providing default values
  • Async() error - method is called asynchronously with goroutines and processed concurrently during lifecycle. You can use it for fetching information from DB or API
  • AfterAsync() - method is called after all finishing all async operations
  • Actions() ActionsMap - used for providing SSA. Check Server Side Actions for details

Component example

Reference component is here. Check demo for full review.

Example of component, that fetches and displays UUID response from

package main

import (


type ComponentHttpbinUUID struct {
    UUID string

// Async method is handled by library under the hood
// Each async method is called asynchronously with goroutines and processed concurrently
func (c *ComponentHttpbinUUID) Async() error {
    resp, err := http.Get("")
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer resp.Body.Close()
    data, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    c.UUID = string(data)
    return nil

For component usage you can check example of page.

Server Side Actions

Documentation not ready yet. Try to explore demo project for features.


⚙️ Concept of Golang HTML render engine with frontend components and dynamic behavior

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%