prerak01 / Learned-Index-Structures

Learned Index Structures

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Learned Index Structures

This is an implementation of Learned Index Structures as described in this 2017 paper.

Normally in a database the mapping from key to index is done using a traditional data structure, often a B Tree. In this paper, the authors proposed instead to use function approximation to implement that mapping. Namely, they used neural networks. To elaborate, they used a hierarchy of neural networks, with each stage of the hierarchy doing model selection for the next stage. The hierarchy ends either in a B Tree, which maps key to index for a much smaller selection of records, or in a neural network, which provides an approximation to the correct index. Since this is only an approximation, a linear or binary search must be performed among nearby records to find the correct record.

My model is a simplified version of that in the paper: I use only one top level neural net, which feeds into one of many B Trees.

You can see a few slides I made about this project here.


You'll need a recent Python 3 with the toml library (do pip install toml) and Keras and Tensorflow.

You'll need Rust and related tools; the easiest way to install them is to use rustup.

How to use

Training and inference is done using a combination of Rust programs in examples/ and the Python script in py/.

To generate 100,0000 data points (sampled from a log normal distribution), train a model, and benchmark both a B Tree and the learned model on 10,000 index lookups, do the following from the main directory of this repository:

$ cargo run --example data_filename 100000
$ python py/ --config examples/config.toml --index data_filename --save out.toml
$ cargo run --release --example read_saved out.toml data_filename

If you want to modify the type of model used, you can modify the examples/config.toml file. The format is simple: the lines of the form "0 = 32" indicate the width of each layer. btree_count indicates how many btrees are used.

Implementation notes

The authors of the paper above implemented inference for their models in native code on the CPU. They gave two reasons for this choice:

  1. Latency. A roundtrip to the GPU takes on the order of two microseconds. Python adds additional overhead, as does Tensorflow, which is optimized for larger models than used here.

  2. Comparing apples to apples. Given that the new model is being compared against a sequential data structure implemented on the CPU, the authors appear to feel that it would not be justified to use different hardware for the new model.

The first concern will hopefully be alleviated in the future as GPUs become more closely integrated with CPUs and main memory.

In any case, I have followed the authors in this respect. Training in this project happens in a Python script using Tensorflow. Inference happens in native code, written in Rust.

For the reader unfamiliar with Rust, it's a newer systems programming language suitable for the same domains as C or C++, but with many modern features, notably a lifetime system that provides memory safety without garbage collection.


Currently, on my system, executing the commands under How to use above gives these performance results:

Model Runtime (sec)
B Tree 0.001
Learned Model 0.052

That is, the learned model is slow.

This is entirely predictable: the current implementation simply does matrix multiplication scalar by scalar. I looked at the assembly output by the compiler and the code is not auto-vectorized at all.

I'm working on (and will hopefully finish very shortly) a more optimized version using vectorized AVX instructions. This should be dramatically faster than the current code. I'm interested to see whether it beats the B Tree.

Note that the authors of the paper used custom code generation techniques to achieve substantially greater performance than an optimized B Tree. Unfortunately their code is not publicly available.


I think the idea of treating the mapping from key to index as a function approximation problem is really interesting.

Having worked with and thought about this idea for some time though, I am skeptical that neural networks are the right tool. Note that in the case of the randomly generated log normal data, we are essentially just learning the cumulative distribution function of the log normal distribution. This is a relatively simple function, and a hierarchy of thousands of neural nets is an extraordinarily heavyweight tool for this purpose.

There have been several interesting discussions online of this paper, notably this blog post. The blogger mentions the possibility of using splines for function approximation, and points out that B Trees in some sense already perform the same partition/interpolate process as splines. See also comments by Tim Kraska, one of the authors of of the original paper, where he clarifies that the paper was intended to introduce the idea of machine learning for this application, not necessarily to suggest that neural networks are the best tool for the purpose.

Finally, I'll mention one more point of view to illustrate why I am skeptical of neural nets for this application. The authors talk about their model in terms of precision gain. A given neural network in their hierarchy may reduce the potential error in predicted index from 100M to 10k, so this is a precision gain of 10,000. But assuming for simplicity that the B Tree we're replacing is binary, even with that large precision gain we're only doing the work of about lg(10,000) = 13 levels of the B Tree.

Traversing each layer of a B Tree requires very little computation. In contrast, even a small neural network as used in the paper requires many thousands of operations. Due to the existence of modern CPUs with wide SIMD instructions, with substantial engineering effort the authors are able to make much of that massive amount of computation happen in parallel and beat the performance of a B Tree, which cannot be parallelized. Nevertheless, I believe in practice a more work-efficient approach would be preferable, especially considering total throughput.

In particular, if I had an infinite amount of time, I would investigate the following approaches:

  1. GPU-based B Trees. Although a single B Tree search cannot be parallelized, it would be possible to batch indexes and perform many thousands in parallel on the GPU. This would not solve the latency issue, but for applications where throughput rather than latency is the concern, I'd be interested to see the results.

  2. Other function approximation techniques. There are so many methods it's hard to know where to start. I mentioned splines earlier. There are also Chebyshev polynomials, Remez's algorithm, and many more.


Learned Index Structures


Language:Rust 86.7%Language:Python 13.3%