premgan / vc-scripts

Verifiable Credentials scripts

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Github repo for sundry Azure AD Verifiable Credentials powershell scripts


Sample Description
tenat-config.ps1 Your tenant configuration variables
VCAdminAPI.psm1 Admin API powershell module
vc-admin-loging.ps1 shortcut to login in to your tenant
vc-aadfree-migration.ps1 Script to migrate an Azure AD tenant to the new 1st party AppIDs
vc-mini-webserver.ps1 Mini webserver in powershell to test issuance and presentation
vc-post-request.ps1 Script to create an issuance or presentation request
vc-generate-payloads.ps1 Script to generate a request Service API payload based on Issuer/Contract

App Registration

You need to create a new App Registration in your tenant and grant that application the API Permission to Verifiable Credential Service Admin with permission full_access. The app needs Allow public client flows enabled under Authentication.


You need to edit the file tenat-config.ps1 and set the id's of your tenant, subscription, etc. The $clientId is the AppId of the app you registered above.

$SubscriptionId = "<azure-subscription-guid>"
$resourceGroupName = "<resource-group-name>"
$keyVaultName = "<your-keyvault>"
$clientId="<AppId of the app that has AdminAPI permission>" # App that has API Permission to AdminAPI (scope below)

Then, to create a session where you can invoke requests to the Admin API, you run the following commands which will set the environment and sign you in and get an access token. The sign in uses the device code flow and if you are already signed into for your tenant, you should only need to paste the code to sign in.

import-module .\VCAdminAPI.psm1
. .\tenant-config.ps1

The powershell module then contains the following commands

*** Signin ***

  • Connect-AzADVCGraphDevicelogin

*** Tenant ***

  • Enable-AzADVCTenant
  • Remove-AzADVCTenantOptOut
  • Get-AzADVCTenantStatus
  • Rotate-AzADVCIssuerSigningKey

*** Issuers ***

  • Get-AzADVCIssuer
  • Get-AzADVCIssuers
  • New-AzADVCIssuer
  • Update-AzADVCIssuer
  • New-AzADVCWellKnownDidConfiguration
  • Get-AzADVCIssuerLinkedDomainDidConfiguration
  • Set-AzADVCLinkedDomains
  • Get-AzADVCDidDocument
  • Get-AzADVCDidExplorer

*** Credential Contracts ***

  • Get-AzADVCContracts
  • Get-AzADVCContract
  • New-AzADVCContract
  • Update-AzADVCContract
  • Get-AzADVCContractManifest
  • Get-AzADVCContractManifestURL
  • Get-AzADVCFileFromStorage
  • Import-AzADVCFileToStorage

*** Credentials ***

  • Get-AzADVCCredential
  • Revoke-AzADVCCredential

*** VC Network ***

  • Get-AzADVCDirectoryIssuers
  • Get-AzADVCDirectoryIssuerContracts

Migrate Off Storage

Old Credential Contracts uses Azure Storage to stor the display and rules json files while new contracts, created via the QuickStarts, store them internally together with the rest of the contract definition. In order to migrate a contract off storage, you need to update the contract definition. The steps to do that is to get the contract (using the Admin API), get the json files from storage, then change the json definition and finally updating the new contract definition (using the Admin API). The script vc-migrate-off-storage.ps1 does this for all your contracts i your tenant.

This script is written to be executed standalone and you do not need VCAdminAPI.psm1. The script takes three parameters, which are:

  • TenantId - is the guid for your tenant
  • ClientId - An AppId that is registered with API Permission for app Verifiable Credentials Service Admin and permission full_access.
  • StorageAccessKey - Azure Storage Access Key to your storage. This can be copied from

Also, please not that the actual Update command is commented out so you can test run without making changes. If you are ready to migrate, uncomment the last part and run again.

.\vc-migrate-off-storage.ps1 -TenantId $tenantId -ClientId $clientId -StorageAccessKey $StorageAccessKey

The script will start with authenticating via the device code flow where you have to paste in the device code (the script puts it on the clipboard for convenience, so you only have to do Ctrl+V) and then enter your credentials for the tenant. It will ask for an access token with scope to use the app Verifiable Credentials Service Admin and permission full_access, so the clientId you pass must be registered with that.

Test VC Issuance and Presentation using Powershell

You can test issuance and presentation using just powershell. The two scripts vc-mini-webserver.ps1 and vc-post-request.ps1 helps your with that.

First you run the vc-post-request.ps1 script to create a request and get a QR code. This scripts creates the local file qrcode.html with the QR code and the deep link the Authenticator needs.

.\vc-post-request.ps1 -DID "did:ion:EiDR..." `
  -VcType "VerifiedEmployee" ``
  -VcManifest "" `
  -CallbackHostname "" `
  -TenantId "...guid..." ``
  -AppId "...AppId..." `
  -AppKey "...AppKey..." 

Then you run the vc-mini-webserver.ps1 script which starts a little mini-webserver. Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:8080/qrcode.html to view and scan the QR code. Note that you must have started ngrok just as you do when you use the other samples. You must also have followed the instructions in the samples for how to do an App Registration that has access to your Azure Key Vault.

Generate Request Service API Payloads

If you want to generate JSON payloads for the Request Service APIs that work with the samples that are based on the Issuer/Contract details in your tenant, you can use the vc-generate-payloads-settings.ps1 script. If you have imported the VCAdminAPI.psm1 module and signed in, you can auto-generate the config.json, appsettings.json, issuance_request_payload.json and presentation_request_payload.json files by running the below command.

.\vc-generate-payloads-settings.ps1 -ContractName "VerifiedCredentialExpert" -Node -ClientId $AppId -ClientSecret $AppKey

Generating file .\issuance_request_payload.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json
Generating file .\presentation_payload.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json
Generating file .\config.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json
Generating file .\run.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.cmd
Generating file .\run.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.sh
Generating file .\docker-run.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.cmd
Generating file .\docker-run.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.sh

The generated files will have the the credential contract name as part of the file name so you can have files for multiple contracts on your dev machine. The config*.json and appsettings*.json files will just be updated if they already exists, and updates you have made in between runs will be preserved.

Unless you want to use a client certificate instead of a client secret, you are good to go. For example, the run.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.cmd will look like this:

node app.js .\config.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json .\issuance_request_payload.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json .\presentation_payload.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json

During the genration, the manifest is downloaded and if you are using the id_token_hint flow, the claims defined in the rules section will be part of the generated issuance_request_payload.VerifiedCredentialExpert.<tenantId>.json file.

    "authority": "",
    "includeQRCode": false,
    "registration": {
      "clientName": "...set at runtime...",
      "purpose": "You will be issued with a wonderful VC"
    "callback": {
      "url": "...set at runtime...",
      "state": "...set at runtime...",
      "headers": {
        "api-key": "blabla"
    "issuance": {
      "type": "VerifiedCredentialExpert",
      "manifest": "",
      "pin": {
        "value": "1234",
        "length": 4
      "claims": {
        "given_name": "PLACEHOLDER", 
        "family_name": "PLACEHOLDER"

New 1st party apps AppID migration

With the support for Azure AD Free for Verifiable Credentials, new AppIDs were introduced. Azure AD tenants that were used for POC/Pilots before this happened need to migrate their configuration. The script vc-aadfree-migration.ps1 script will help you do that.


Verifiable Credentials scripts


Language:PowerShell 100.0%