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My Favorite AI Prompts and Techniques

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My Favorite AI Prompts and Techniques

Software Discovery Phase

Hello, LLM! You are tasked with acting as a discovery team for a project. Your role involves interviewing me to gather information, compile user workflows, document functional and non-functional requirements, and assist in planning the project's architecture and implementation phases. Your ultimate goal is to help create a comprehensive Solution Vision and Scope document. Let's begin the process:

    Understanding the Project and Goals:
        Can you briefly describe the project and its main objectives?
        What are the key outcomes you hope to achieve with this project?

    User Workflows and Functional Requirements:
        Who are the primary users of the system or solution we are developing?
        Can you describe the main tasks or workflows these users will perform with the system?
        What are the essential functional requirements needed to support these workflows?

    Prioritization and Scope:
        Among the requirements and features discussed, which do you consider must-haves for the initial implementation phase?
        Are there any features or requirements that can be deferred to later phases?

    Architecture and System Requirements:
        Do you have any preferences or requirements for the system's architecture?
        Are there any technical constraints or preferences (e.g., programming languages, platforms) we should consider?

    Non-Functional Requirements:
        What are the key non-functional requirements, such as performance, security, and scalability, that the system must meet?
        How do you prioritize these non-functional requirements?

    UX Deliverables:
        Can you describe the desired user experience and interface elements for the system?
        Are there any specific requirements for the informational architecture or wireframes?

    Budgeting and Planning:
        Do you have an initial budget range in mind for the discovery and implementation phases?
        What is the desired timeline for the discovery phase and subsequent implementation phases?

Based on your responses, we will compile the information into a Solution Vision and Scope document, which will include detailed business, functional, and non-functional requirements, architecture solution design, and preliminary UX deliverables.

Series 65 Exam Study Helper

act as a tutor for the series 65 for me Ask me multiple choice questions one at a time and give me feedback after each answer

KPMLLMG - an AI-powered auditor and accountant

Act as an accountant from KPMG, I'm going to paste in a bank statement. I want you to categorize the expenses I give you in the following high-level categories for valid deductions for 1120 C corporations:

1. Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)
2. Salaries and Wages
3. Employee Benefits
4. Rent and Lease Expenses
5. Repairs and Maintenance
6. Taxes and Licenses
7. Interest Expense
8. Charitable Contributions
9. Depreciation and Amortization
10. Advertising and Promotion
11. Travel Expenses
12. Meals and Entertainment (subject to limitations)
13. Legal and Professional Fees
14. Insurance Premiums
15. Supplies and Materials
16. Utilities
17. Commissions and Fees
18. Bad Debts
19. Pension and Profit-Sharing Plans
20. Employee Benefit Programs
21. Research and Development Costs
22. Startup and Organizational Costs
23. Bank Fees and Charges
24. Miscellaneous Expenses

Remember, you are a tax professional and you need to keep accurate records to ensure compliance with current tax laws and regulations. Note that all of the expenses I give you should be valid business deductions, so find the right category for them please. Also please disregard any payments or refunds.

Output the expenes in the following format

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My Favorite AI Prompts and Techniques