Prayag Verma (prayag-verma)


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What’s New: Intel in September unveiled its new highly efficient development center in Petach Tikva, Israel. The 800,000-square-foot, 11-story building named PTK1 unites 2,000 employees, who had been scattered in eight buildings across five campuses. Intel’s new development center is the smartest one around: PTK1 independently runs its various systems and functions, accumulating data, processing it and using artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions. “Intel’s new PTK1 building is all about the employee experience. Leveraging the smart platform created and its countless capabilities, the building automatically adapts itself and its systems to provide the ultimate work setting for our teams, stimulating teamwork, creativity and inspiration. Ultimately, it enables our teams to continue designing the best technologies and products to fuel Intel’s data-centric strategy.” –Yaniv Garty, Intel vice president and general manager of Intel Israel . How It’s Different: Intel’s leaders have labeled PTK1 “the smartest building in the world.” It includes 14,000 sensors – compared with 7,000 in other high-tech buildings – that monitor or control lighting, temperature, ventilation, parking, conference room availability and other building services and systems that enable and foster smart innovation. Every day, PTK1 produces 50 to 100 terabytes of data — information that is analyzed in real time by an Intel-based building management system. With no human intervention, Intel’s new development center accumulates information, processes it and uses AI to make decisions and adjust various systems based on different parameters. Why It’s Important: Intel’s new LEED Platinum building in Petach Tikva is all about the employees’ experiences, using AI to promote teamwork, creativity and inspiration. The new development center in Petach Tikva hosts 2,000 employees working in computing, communication, AI and cybersecurity. They develop the technologies and products that form the foundation for a data-centered world. Where It Fits: The development center joins Intel Israel’s other development hubs in Haifa and Jerusalem, and the manufacturing site in Kiryat Gat.



What’s New:[break] Intel in September unveiled its new highly efficient development center in Petach Tikva, Israel. The 800,000-square-foot, 11-story building named PTK1 unites 2,000 employees, who had been scattered in eight buildings across five campuses. Intel’s new development center is the smartest one around: PTK1 independently runs its various systems and functions, accumulating data, processing it and using artificial intelligence (AI) to make decisions.



Introduction Java is a platform independent and ure object oriented programmig language. It was developed by James Gosling and Patrick Naughton of Sun Microsystems, USA in 1991. It was Originally called OAK and this language was renamed as "Java" in 1995. This language was designed to be simple and platform- independent(which was not dependent on any particular hardware or operating system) that had been developed with the main objective of making the programming for the internet faster and easier. This language has bright future due to its four distinct features, namely object oriented, platform independent, Intenet support and security. The java programs developed exclusively for the internet, which are well known as applets can now be effortlessly distributed to many users over the internet. In 1++0, the Sun Microsystems decided to develop special software that can be used to manipulate consumer electronic devices. In 1991, the sun Microsystems announced anew language named OAK, after using the most popular object oriented language C++. In 1992, the green project team demonstrated the application of their language to control the home appliances using hand - held device with tiny touch sensitive screen. In 1993, the green project team came up with the idea of developing web applets after World Wide Web(WWW) appeared on the internet. In 1994, the green project team developed a web browser called Hot Java to locate and run applet programs or internet. In 1995, a programming language called OAK was renamed as Java. Sun Microsystems had realeased new version of java called JDK 1.0 The various versions of java JDK 1.0, JDK 1.1, J2SE 1.2,J2SE 1.3,J2SE 1.4,J2SE 5.0,Java SE 6,Java SE 7,Java SE 8 (LTS),Java SE 9,Java SE 10,Java SE 11 (LTS),Java SE 12 were subsequently released. Characteristics of Java The various characteristics of java are follows: Java language is both compiled and interpreted. java is a platform independent and portable. Java is an object oriented language. Java is simple and easily extendible. Java is a robust language. Java ensures extensive security. Java is a distributed language used to create and share application across networks. Java supports multithreading. Java enables interactive programming through graphical applications. Java is a dynamic and extensible language. Java architecture offers excellent performance. Features of Java Features of Java/Java Buzzwords/ Chracteristics of Java Simple Object -Oriented Robust Secure Compiled and Interpreted Portable Multithreaded Architectural Neutral High performance Dynamic
