praveengadiyaram369 / MSR-2

Mining Software Repositories project to analyze antlr4 projects and extract information regarding enter, exit and visit methods

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Mining Software Repositories project to analyze java antlr4 projects and extract information regarding pattern popularity and enter, exit and visit method distributions.

Grammar Used

Java grammar used in this project is taken from

Project Setup on Linux Distributions:

Tools needed : VScode, Jupyter Notebook, text editor, Python3+ must be installed on the system.

  1. Install Antlr4 using below commands.
a) cd /usr/local/lib
b) sudo curl -O
c)  vi /home/praveen/.bashrc and add  belowcommands at the end.
    export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"
    alias antlr4='java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar'
    alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'

d) source /home/praveen/.bashrc
e) pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
  1. Download this github repository and open with vscode and install any extensions if needed.
 git clone
  1. Generate Lexer and parsers for Python Runtime from antlr4 using below commands

     antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 Javalexer.g4
     antlr4 -Dlanguage=Python3 JavaParser.g4
  2. copy repository_mining_data.csv, to a folder and execute script as below to download all repositories.

  sh >> clone_repo_log.log
  1. Clear the contents of repo_names_done.txt file.

  2. Use below command to execute the python script and mine all the repositories and the mining results to a repository_mining_data.csv. Logs would be automatically written into analysing_repositories_antlr4.log and using & script runs in background.

 python3 __absolute_path_repositories_folder__ & 
  1. Script can be re-executed at any time, it will always continue to process from the repository which was left last time. Inorder to restart the complete process of mining, follow step 5 and reexecute.

  2. Visualize and Validate the results by executing Analyzing_repos.ipynb on jupyter-notebook.

Project Results:

  1. Mining Data Table

  1. Antlr4 Pattern Usage

  1. Patterns Method count distribution

  1. Listener Pattern Method count distribution


Mining Software Repositories project to analyze antlr4 projects and extract information regarding enter, exit and visit methods


Language:Python 55.3%Language:Java 34.4%Language:Jupyter Notebook 8.0%Language:ANTLR 2.3%Language:Shell 0.1%