praveen-palanisamy / macad-gym

Multi-Agent Connected Autonomous Driving (MACAD) Gym environments for Deep RL. Code for the paper presented in the Machine Learning for Autonomous Driving Workshop at NeurIPS 2019:

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v0.1.3 carla serve can't get connection

Kinvy66 opened this issue · comments

macad-gym-v0.1.3 Running the supplied example gives an error when the carla client connects to the server, and then keeps dead-ending in the following code:

self._client = None
        while self._client is None:
                self._client = carla.Client("localhost", self._server_port)
                # The socket establishment could takes some time
                    "Client successfully connected to server, Carla-Server version: ",
            except RuntimeError as re:
                if "timeout" not in str(re) and "time-out" not in str(re):
                    print("Could not connect to Carla server because:", re)
                self._client = None

My Running Environment:

  • ubuntu 22 64bit
  • carla 0.9.13
  • python packge version
Package                Version      Editable project location
---------------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------
absl-py                1.4.0
aiohttp                3.8.6
aiosignal              1.2.0
ale-py                 0.7.1
astor                  0.8.1
async-timeout          4.0.2
asynctest              0.13.0
atari-py               0.2.9
attrs                  22.2.0
beautifulsoup4         4.12.2
cached-property        1.5.2
cachetools             4.2.4
carla                  0.9.13
certifi                2018.11.29
charset-normalizer     2.0.12
click                  8.0.4
cloudpickle            1.2.2
colorama               0.4.5
Cython                 3.0.7
dataclasses            0.8
decorator              4.4.2
dm-tree                0.1.8
filelock               3.4.1
frozenlist             1.2.0
future                 0.18.3
gast                   0.2.2
google                 3.0.0
google-auth            1.35.0
google-auth-oauthlib   0.4.6
google-pasta           0.2.0
GPUtil                 1.4.0
grpcio                 1.48.2
gym                    0.16.0
gym-notices            0.0.8
h5py                   3.1.0
idna                   3.6
idna-ssl               1.1.0
importlib-metadata     4.8.3
importlib-resources    5.4.0
jsonschema             3.2.0
Keras-Applications     1.0.8
Keras-Preprocessing    1.1.2
lz4                    3.1.10
macad-gym              0.1.3        /home/dell/qqw/repo/valid/macad-gym-0.1.3/src
Markdown               3.3.7
mkl-fft                1.0.6
mkl-random             1.0.1
multidict              5.2.0
networkx               2.5.1
numpy                  1.19.5
oauthlib               3.2.2
opt-einsum             3.3.0
packaging              21.3
pandas                 1.1.5
pip                    21.3.1
protobuf               4.21.0
py-spy                 0.3.14
pyasn1                 0.5.1
pyasn1-modules         0.3.0
pygame                 2.5.2
pyglet                 1.5.0
pyparsing              3.0.7
pyrsistent             0.18.0
python-dateutil        2.8.2
pytz                   2023.3.post1
PyYAML                 6.0.1
ray                    0.8.4
redis                  4.3.6
requests               2.27.1
requests-oauthlib      1.3.1
rsa                    4.9
scipy                  1.4.1
setuptools             59.6.0
six                    1.16.0
soupsieve              2.3.2.post1
tabulate               0.8.10
TBB                    0.2
tensorboard            2.1.1
tensorboardX           2.1
tensorflow             2.1.0
tensorflow-estimator   2.1.0
tensorflow-gpu         2.1.0
termcolor              1.1.0
tf-slim                1.1.0
typing_extensions      4.1.1
urllib3                1.26.18
Werkzeug               2.0.3
wheel                  0.32.2
wrapt                  1.16.0
yarl                   1.7.2
zipp                   3.6.0

I have no problem running the example with the latest code, so is this a bug in v0.1.3, or is there something wrong with my environment configuration?

Hi @Kinvy66 ,
Thank you for describing the problem you are facing with v0.1.3. I did not observe this behavior with the v0.1.3 before that commit was tagged for a release.
Since you have no problem running the example with the latest code on the main branch, perhaps you could pull/update the code and your venv or try with v0.1.5?
It is better to use the latest version. Please report if you run any issues with the latest version.