Pratik Merchant (pratik6725)


Geek Repo

Company:Purdue University, Daniels School of Business

Location:West Lafayette, Indiana, United States

Home Page:

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Pratik Merchant's repositories

Language:Jupyter NotebookStargazers:0Issues:2Issues:0


This project will help to digitize and automate the process of applying for railway concession. The current system requires any person to first avail a form from the college, fill it and then again stand in long queues to verify the same at the college and then issue the pass at the pass issue counter at the railway station. The user initially will have to create an account during which the user will have to fill all the details including a unique college code/verification ID. Now, the user needs to apply for the concession by filling in other details such as starting point of the journey, destination, duration of the pass, class of travel, etc. Now, these details entered by the user will be verified with the college database. Once the student data is verified by the college, the request is sent to the railways system for granting concession. The railways would enable the payment service for user to pay the charges for the pass. Once the payment is done, digital pass is generated and sent to the user on the app. If the current pass is about to expire in a few days, a reminder is sent to the user to reapply for the pass.
