prateeklal / mongo-with-node

A simple application built using node.js and mongodb

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Mongo with Node.js

A simple application built using node.js and mongodb


Hello everyone, this application is built using minimal tools to give you a boilerplate of a server and a front-end. Please follow the instructions to run it locally.


Please clone the repository to your machine

git clone

and then run

npm install

this will install all the dependencies required for running this application. Note: This application assumes that you have MongoDB installed on your machine. For further information on how to install mongodb please follow - Install MongoDB


This project has a license of MIT which means you are free to download and distribute the code.


A simple application built using node.js and mongodb


Language:HTML 57.3%Language:JavaScript 42.7%