Gautam Prateek (prateek096)


Geek Repo


Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gautam Prateek's repositories



Computer vision based project that automatically update entry time of students in class based on their footage in Cam installed at the entry. Used OpenCv , face recognition and dlib library in python.



It detects the fatigue symptoms in drivers by their continuous eye movements and alerts the driver if they are feeling fatigue and sleepy. Using OpenCv and other facial feature detection models (in ML) the eyelids movements are tracked in real time in dash-cam and drivers are alerted.



Smart contract is written in Solidity to guide the rules of voting. Blockchain is simulated as ganache framework.



Learn basics of open source development



MISHRAStore is a e-commerce website having various electronic products and home appliances ranging over various brands.Customer can search any of the product he requires and to cart the number of products he requires.After then the customer can view the cart and then checkin of the payment.They are two payment methods included -PAYPAL -CASH ON DELIVERY If the user opts for PAYPAL payment method then he is redirected to the PAYPAL payment gateway and is asked to enter his credentials,after the payment is complete a transaction ID is generated he is again redirected to the Store for further purchase process. If the usr opts for CASH ON DELIVERY te user is first told to confirm COD and then a recipt is generated having transaction ID and Bill no with all other important attributes a bill should have. The USER tab consist of CART ORDERS USERINFO and LOGOUT tab -ORDERS consist of all the purchase item list having information Product Name,Purchase Time and Date,Product Price,Quantity,Transaction Id -USERINFO consist of user information having NAME,EMAIL,MOBILE NO,ADDRESS user can update his MOBILE NO and ADDRESS in this section. -LOGOUT will end the user session and will logout the user.



Project files from Udacity Machine Learnng Nanodegree
