Reddy Pratap Kumar (pratap1298)


Geek Repo






Location:VIT, Vellore

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reddy Pratap Kumar's repositories


This project helps us to access and manage the information easily. And also helps to verify the stock currently available with them and to update the stock when necessary. This project reduce the time to search the product from the current available stock.The role of an inventory system is to track your products and supplies. Inventory management is the process of controlling of the ordering, storage and use of components that a company uses in the production of the products it sells.


E-Agriculture application that includes registration of crop which leads to balance of crops another one feature like buying the products for crops like seed, fertilizers. Selling the crop which help to farmer to sell without agent and get fruitful result. Our main goal is to help the farmer which is in trouble and give him to user friendly application


In this project movie ticket is booked using movie Ticket booking system. We enter into Web page by logging with User Name and Password. Then we select the Movie and later in which Theatre movie is running. Later choose Show Timings and enter no of tickets you want . Finally it displays the details of the procedure and print the form to show at respective ticket counter to get ticket.



The cancer like lung, prostrate, and colorectal cancers contribute up to 45% of cancer deaths. So it is very important to detect or predict before it reaches to serious stages. If cancer predicted in its early stages, then it helps to save the lives. Statistical methods are generally used for classification of risks of cancer i.e. high risk or low risk. Sometime it becomes difficult to handle the complex interactions of highdimensional data. Machine learning techniques can be used to overcome these drawbacks which are cause due to the high dimensions of the data. So in this project I am using machine learning algorithms to predict the chances of getting cancer.I am using algorithms like Naive Bayes, decision tree
