Prashant Mulge (prashanthmulge)


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Prashant Mulge's repositories


Implemented Indoor Positioning System using triangulation with RF signals at IISC Bangalore under Professor Vijay Kumar. We used a concept of Global Positioning System (GPS) which uses a satellites to find the location but it doesnt work effective indoor, so we implemented using RF signals/Access points with triangulation techniques to get the location of user most accurately. Continued this project to our final curriculum project. Using the Indoor Positioning System from IISc we have done a project "Anypoint : Ubiquitous Location Identification and Information Dissemination" in college campus on Android Platform, where it would help to provide information needed to user at that particular position (like it would tell whether professor is available inside his cabin surrounding area and he could leave a message for students). For extension of application we used as a SOS for in-campus, where we get the user/student location from server.



Implement a SAT solver to find a satisfying assignment for any given CNF sentences, You are also asked to implement the WalkSAT algorithm ( AIMA Figure 7.18 ) to search for a solution for an instance of wedding. Suppose you have a wedding to plan, and want to arrange the wedding seating for a certain number of guests in a hall. The hall has a certain number of tables for seating. Some pairs of guests are couples or close Friends (F) and want to sit together at the same table. Some other pairs of guests are Enemies (E) and must be separated into different tables. The rest of the pairs are Indifferent (I) to each other and do not mind sitting together or not. However, each pair of guests can have only one relationship, (F), (E) or (I). You must find a seating arrangement that satisfies all the constraints.



You are given a deck containing n cards. While holding the deck: 1. Take the top card off the deck and set it on the table 2. Take the next card off the top and put it on the bottom of the deck in your hand. 3. Continue steps 1 and 2 until all cards are on the table. This is a round. 4. Pick up the deck from the table and repeat steps 1-3 until the deck is in the original order. Determining how many rounds it will take to put a deck back into the original order.



Coding challenge: analyzing user sessions



Built a good-looking Android app using the Android SDK. Built mobile user experience for Facebook Search using the Facebook Graph API. Adding social networking features using the Facebook SDK for Android



As a part of Aricent Nalanda Training, we had a project completion task under assigned mentor. Authentication System is about create a system to send a data from one system to another encrypted using IPC/Sockets. This can be mainly used in performing high security data transfer. We were awarded as Best Project at training level among many projects.



- Make responsive web using AngularJS, Bootstrap, Ajax, JQuery, HTML5 - Programming PHP for server side support of facebook api - Using Web Storage for keep data locally on web browser - Use Facebook graph api for getting facebook information - Finally hosting server on AWS (Amazon Web Services).



Artificial Intelligence : The rules of the Reversi game can be found at and interactive examples can be found at . In the Othello version of this game, the game begins with four pieces (two black, two white) placed right in the middle of an 8x8 grid, with the same-colored pieces on a diagonal with each other (see the left side of Figure 1). A move of a player can be either a valid m ove or pass move.



Server-side Scripting using PHP, JSON, and Facebook Graph API. Created a webpage that allows you to search for information about a set of Facebook entities (i.e., users, pages, events, places, and groups) using the Facebook Graph API . Used PHP, Facebook Graph API and Google Geo-coding API as a server side programming to retrieve the data from Facebook. Displaying the result to user on browser using HTML/JavaScript.



A decision network (Chapter 16, AIMA) uses a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) to represent a set of random variables and their conditional dependencies within a probabilistic model, while a decision network extends the Bayesian network to include decision nodes and utility nodes



Implementing a Fraction class that supports the following operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equality/non-equality, greater than/less than, and display.



Everything you need to know to get the job.



Manvantara is a small group started in 2012 with set of friends to uplift the education, and slowly helping in many causes. For more visit our website :



Developed a sample project for scanning wifi signals and wifi widgets



