prashanth-sams / prashanth-sams

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Lead QA Engineer | Automation Architect

QA Automation Architect contributing to the IT industry since 2011. He authored a book, "Selenium Essentials" in March 2015, contributes and developed open-source projects, and blogs about DevOps in, a great supporter for the selenium community by responding to diligent Q&A over professional networks. In spite of having rich experience in assorted projects as a Test Automation Engineer, he has also been a Business Development Manager, HR Executive, HR Sourcer/Recruiter, and Developer in his past career timeline.

My quotes

“Test without an assertion is not a test”

“Tool does matter unless you know how to create it”

“I’m faster, my bots are faster than me”

“Talk is meaningless without data”


🛠️ Tech stack

Type Skills
Contract Testing PactFlow, Pact (, OpenAPI / OAS (Swagger)
Mobile Automation XCUITest, Espresso, Appium
Front-End Automation Selenium WebDriver, Cypress, Protractor, Capybara, CasperJS
API Automation REST-Assured, Postman, Ruby (Client-API), Javascript (Supertest / Frisby), Insomania
Script Kotlin, Swift, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Shell (bash), Groovy, Linux cmds
BDD Framework Cucumber (Ruby), Behave, JBehave, Cucumber-js
CI/CD Fastlane, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Helm, AWS, Jenkins job-dsl, Bitrise, Terraform, Zalenium, Codeship, Travis CI
Database MySql, Firebase, MongoDB, ElasticSearch, InfluxDB
Monitoring Grafana, DataDog, Kibana, Prometheus, Graphite
Unit Test Framework JUnit5, Pytest, TestNG, Jasmine, RSpec
A/B Testing Google Optimize, Optmizely, GTM
Version Control GIT, SVN [GitHub, Gitlab, Stash and BitBucket]
Performance Locust, SitespeedIO
IDE PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate, VS Code, RubyMine, Eclipse, Sublime Text 3, Atom
Defect Tracking and Project Management Tool JIRA, Redmine, Mantis, Agilefant, TRAC
Test Management Tool TestRail, XRay, TestLink, TestRun
Dev Tools Spring Boot, ReactJS, Redux, Firebase

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