prash-wghats / Dtrace-ETW

DTrace for Windows in userspace; Frontend to ETW

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Dtrace for Windows - Frontend to ETW

The DTrace for Windows port acts as a frontend to ETW. Additionaly there is support for pid provider for native and .net applications.

Since the pid provider uses the debugger interface, it will slow down the application being traced to unusable level, when tracing for large number of probes. An additional provider called as fpid (based on ntrace and Orbitprofiler) is provided, which uses function hooking ( to implement the trace, to get function count and stacktrace. With fpid provider, dtrace wont be able to trace the memory of user process.

When run for the first time, dtrace.exe will get a list of all registered etw providers and saves it in a file dt_provlist.dat, in the folder dtrace executable is found.The translator scripts are also read from the dtrace executable folder.

For symbol support set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable. ex.

set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*c:\symbols
set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH=srv*c:\symbols*


Additional options :

	-E <etlfile>
		If <etlfile> file exists then enable probes on this etlfile.
		If <etlfile> doesn't exist, then enables etw in realtime and logs to file.
		High frequency probes are not processed, but written to the log file for later processing.
		Process all probes in realtime when logging to file (Ex. -gE e:\test.etl).


dtrace.exe -s dscripts\demo\randomascii.d -E "2015-09-25_20-56-25 VS F8 short hang.etl"
dtrace.exe -s dscripts\bin\sched.d -E PerfViewData.etl
dtrace.exe -s dscripts\bin\sched.d
dtrace.exe -n "pid$target:a.out::entry {@[probefunc] = count();}" -c debug/amd64/obj/t_c_sim.exe
When using poweshell replace " with '.
dtrace.exe -n 'pid$target:ntdll::entry {@[probefunc] = count();}' -c debug/amd64/obj/t_c_sim.exe
dtrace.exe -n 'pid$target:mscorlib::entry {@[probefunc] = count();}' -c debug/amd64/obj/t_cs_str.exe

To stop tracing, press CTRL C.
Program names are converted to lower case, so any comparision to execname , should have the program name in lowercase
/execname == "lowercase.exe"/

scripts\demo folder contains example scripts. scripts\demo\dtracecmds[x64|x32].bat shows example usage of this scripts. tests\dtrace contains the dtrace testsuite.


The list of all providers found by dtrace can be displayed using

dtrace -l

ETW provider

Provider gives direct access to registered ETW provider. The descriptor format is as follows
The provider name and keywords should be lowercase .The keywords and associated events and their meaning can be found using powershell using the
Get-WinEvent -ListProvider command.
Ex. The following command will display all the events for Microsoft-Windows-DNS-Client provider.

(Get-WinEvent -ListProvider *DNS-Client).events
(Get-WinEvent -ListProvider *DNS-Client).keywords


dtrace -n "microsoft-windows-win32k:::win_responsetime { ustack(); }"

This will enable the Microsoft-Windows-Win32k provider, with keyword win_ResponseTime.

Probes Description
events this enable all the events for the provider.
  • arg0 = event id
  • arg1 = opcode
  • arg2 = payload of the event
  • arg3 = size of payload
<keywords> this will enable the events for the keyword. arguments same as above.
Note: A event may trigger mutiple probes, since it can have mutiple keywords associated with it.
ex. microsoft-windows-dxgkrnl:::base
capturestate Requests that the provider log its state information
ex. microsoft-windows-dxgkrnl:::capturestate
On top of each payload, 4 bytes are added.
arg2 - 1 => UCHAR* : 0 = 32 bit , 1 = 64 bit
arg2 - 2 => UCHAR* : version of event
arg2 - 4 => USHORT* : event id

ex. arch = *(uint8_t *) (arg2 - 1);

For an example see dscripts\demo\randomascii.d, dscripts\demo\dns.d.


The dnet provider is a helper provider for Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime provider.

Function Probes Description
event runtime runtime information of .net instance
event excp Exception information, ExceptionKeyword
lock lck-wait, lck-done Thread contention events, ContentionKeyword
thread thr-start, the-stop ... Thread pool events, ThreadingKeyword
jit method-jit-begin, method-load, method-unload ... JITKeyword
gc gc-start, gc-end ... garbage collection events, GCKeyword
loader ... Loader events, LoaderKeyword
security ... security evenst, SecurityKeyword
arm ... AppDomainResourceManagementKeyword
interop ... interop events, InteropKeyword
arg0 = payload with header (see ETW provider)
arg1 = length of payload
arg2 = 0 => 32bit, 1 => 64 bit
arg3 = version

some of the probes have translators. Ex. dtrace -s dscripts\demo\dnet.d


Helper provider for hardware configuration {0x01853a65,0x418f,0x4f36,{0xae,0xfc,0xdc,0x0f,0x1d,0x2f,0xd2,0x35}} The probes have translators.

arg0 = payload with header (see ETW provider) [translated args[0]]
arg1 = length of payload
arg2 = 0 => 32bit, 1 => 64 bit
arg3 = version
ex. print(*args[0]);

Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\hwconfig.d -E PerfViewData.etl


ETW provides some support for Performance Monitoring Counters both sampling and counter type. There is limit to the number of pmc registers that can be configured at a time (ex 4). for sampling a PMC provider is provided

Probes Description
sample-src Name of the configured PMC register.
  • arg0 = source id
  • arg1 = name of the register (string)
  • arg2 = sample interval
[register name] arg0 = (intptr_t) Intruction Pointer address when sampled
Ex. pmc:::branchmispredictions
[register name][-samplinginterval] arg0 = (intptr_t) Intruction Pointer
Ex. pmc:::branchmispredictions-1000000

| counter-src | Name of the configured PMC counter register.

  • (int) args[0] = array count
  • (wchar_t **) args[1] = array of pmc register names (string)
<prov>::pmc:<probename>-<pmc register> | (uint64_t) arg4 = pmc counter value
Ex. sched::pmc:off-cpu-instructionretired <prov>::pmc:<probename> | xlate (etwext_t *)arg4 => (etw_pmc_t *) (dscripts\demo\pmc.d)
Ex. isr::pmc:isr

Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\pmc.d



Probes Description
events all events.
  • arg0 = name of the provider
  • arg1 = event id
  • arg2 = opcode
  • arg3 = payload length
  • arg4 = payload with header (see ETW provider)
ignored events not probed.[args same as above]
missed-ustack missed user stacks. use ustack() to get stack. [arg0 = (uint64_t) matchid]
[GUID- Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Eventtracing - id 18]
missed-stack missed kernel stack. use stack(). [arg0 = (uint64_t) timestamp]
missed-dnet-stack missed DotnetRuntime stack. [arg0 = (uint64_t) instance id]
[GUID-Microsoft-Windows-DotNETRuntime - id 82]
lostevent ETW missed events
fpid fpid provider event.
  • arg0 = [0:entry][1:return]
  • arg1 = (intrptr_t) address
  • arg? = args to function / return value
Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\diag.d -E PerfViewData.etl

io (disk io)

The io provider makes available probes related to disk input and output. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_IO_INIT && EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DRIVER

Probes Description
start Initialize disk io. The bufinfo_t corresponding to the I/O request is pointed to by args[0]. The devinfo_t of the device to which the I/O is being issued is pointed to by args[1]. The fileinfo_t of the file that corresponds to the I/O request is pointed to by args[2]. The start event doesnt contain any useful information, other than the args[0]->b_addr, which is unique irp addr for this io transaction.
done Probe that fires after an I/O request has been fulfilled. arguments same as above.
example. dscripts\bin\iosnoop (requires bash).

sched (context switch)

The sched provider makes available probes related to CPU scheduling. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_CSWITCH|EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISPATCHER.

Probes Description
off-cpu Probe that fires when the current CPU is about to end execution of a thread.The curcpu variable indicates the current CPU. The curlwpsinfo variable indicates the thread that is ending execution. The curpsinfo variable describes the process containing the current thread. The lwpsinfo_t structure of the thread that the current CPU will next execute is pointed to by args[0]. The psinfo_t of the process containing the next thread is pointed to by args[1].
on-cpu Probe that fires when a CPU has just begun execution of a thread. The curcpu variable indicates the current CPU. The curlwpsinfo variable indicates the thread that is beginning execution. The curpsinfo variable describes the process containing the current thread.
wakeup Probe that fires immediately before the current thread wakes a thread sleeping on a synchronization object. The lwpsinfo_t of the sleeping thread is pointed to by args[0]. The psinfo_t of the process containing the sleeping thread is pointed to by args[1].


The proc provider makes available probes for to the following activities: process creation and termination, thread creation and termination. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROCESS | EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_THREAD.

Probes Description
start Start process event. The psinfo_t corresponding to the new process is pointed to by args[0].
exit End process event. args[0] corresponds to the exit code. exiting process - curpsinfo
lwp-start Start thread event. args[0] lwpsinfo_t, arg[1] psinfo_t.
lwp-exit End Thread event. exiting thread - curlwpsinfo
module-load load module. args[0] = (wchar_t *) module name, args[1] = module base address
module-unload same as above

Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\proc.d


The fsinfo provider makes available probes related to file input and output. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DISK_FILE_IO|EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_FILE_IO|EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_FILE_IO_INIT

Probes Description
create File create event. args[0]: fileinfo_t *. common to all probes.
cleanup Clean up event. The event is generated when the last handle to the file is released.
close Close event. The event is generated when the file object is freed.
read File read event.
write File write event.
setinfo Set information event.
delete Delete file event.
rename Rename file event.
direnum Directory enumeration event.
flush Flush event. This event is generated when the file buffers are fully flushed to disk.
queryinfo Query file information event.
fscontrol File system control event.
done End of operation event. fi_irp member identifies the IO activity that is ending. fi_extinfo information returned by the file system for the operation. For example for a read request, the actual number of bytes that were read. fi_rstatus, Return value from the operation.
dirnotify Directory notification event.
Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\fileio.d

reg (registry)

The reg provider makes available probes related to registry operations. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_REGISTRY.

Probes Description
create Create key event. args[0]: registry_t *. common to all probes.
open Open key event.
delete Delete key event.
query Query key event.
setvalue Set value event.
delvalue Delete value event.
queryvalue Query value event.
enumkey Enumerate key event.
enumvaluekey Enumerate value key event.
querymulvalue Query multiple value event.
setinfo Set information event.
flush Flush key event.
kcbcreate Create key event. Generated when a registry operation uses handles rather than strings to reference subkeys.
Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\reg.d

pf (pagefault)


Probes Description
hardflt Hard page fault event. arg0-5:wchar_t , va (void), time (u32), offset (u64), tid (u32)
imgload Image load in page file event. arg0-5:wchar_t *, flags (u16), devchar (u32), filechar (u16)
valloc Virtual allocation event. arg0-3: addr (void*) (allocated or free base address), pid (u32), memory size (size_t), flags (u32)
vfree Virtual free event. same as above.
trans_flt Transition fault event. args0-1: va (void*) Virtual address of the page that caused the page fault, pc (void*) program counter
dzero_flt Virtual address of the page that caused the page fault
cow_flt Virtual address of the page that caused the page fault
gp_flt Guard page fault event.
hp_flt Hard page fault event.
av_flt Hard page fault event.
Example : dtrace -s dscripts\demo\pf.d


Provider for TCP/IP events. ETW flags ==> EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_NETWORK_TCPIP

Probes Description
send Send event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol. args[0]: ipinfo_t *, args[1]: tcpinfo_t *
receive Receive event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
connect Connect event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
disconnect Disconnect event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
retransmit Retransmit event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
accept Accept event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
reconnect Reconnect event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol. (A connect attempt failed and another attempt is made.)
copy TCP copy event
fail Fail event.



Probes Description
send Send event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol. args[0]: udpinfo_t*
receive Receive event for IPv4/IPv6 protocol.
fail Fail event. args[0] uint16_t (protocol), args[1] uint16_t (failure code)

PERFINFO providers

Provider ETW flag Probe Description
profile EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_PROFILE profile-n profile provider.
- - tick-n
- - sample-n triggers for every sample.
dpc EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_DPC thread ThreadDPC event records when a threaded DPC executes. arg0-1: (u64) entry time, (void *) routine address.
- - dpc when a DPC is entered.
- - timer The TimerDPC event records when a DPC fires as a result of a timer expiration.
isr EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_INTERRUPT isr interrupt service routine. args0-3: entry time (u64), routine address, return val (u8), vector number (u8)
syscall EVENT_TRACE_FLAG_SYSTEMCALL entry arg0: Address of the NT function call that is being entered
- - return arg0: Status code returned by the NT system call.
Example :
	dtrace -s dscripts\demo\systemcall.d -E c:\systemcall.etl (* log to file *)
	dtrace -s dscripts\demo\systemcall.d -E c:\systemcall.etl (* read from the file *)

The pid provider allows for tracing of the entry and return of a function in a user process (native & .net) as well as any instruction as specified by an absolute address or function offset. For .net, function name is Namespace.Class.Function ex.


If you require stacktrace, or function usage count use the fpid provider. stacktrace slows the pid provider. If have to modify or read from the traced process memory, use the pid provider.

fpid provider

The fpid provider allows for tracing of the entry and return of a function, and collecting stack trace in a user process (native & .net). probefuncmodustack.d

	@[probefunc, probemod, ustack()] = count();

debug\amd64\bin\dtrace.exe -s probefuncmodustack.d -c debug\amd64\obj\t_cs_str.exe

provider arguments ..

Note. All the parameters are not used...

typedef struct psinfo {
	pid_t	pr_ppid;	/* process id of parent */
	pid_t	pr_pid;		/* unique process id */
	pid_t	pr_pgid;	/* pid of process group leader */
	pid_t	pr_sid;		/* session id */
	int pr_arch;		/* process architecture */
	uintptr_t pr_addr;	/* address of process */
	string  pr_fname;	/* process name */
	string	pr_psargs;	/* process arguments */
	u_int	pr_arglen;	/* process argument length */
} psinfo_t;
typedef struct lwpsinfo {
	id_t	pr_lwpid;		/* thread ID. */
	int	pr_flag;			/* thread flags. */
	int	pr_pri;				/* thread priority. */
	char	pr_state;		/* numeric lwp state */
	char	pr_sname;		/* printable character for pr_state */
	short	pr_syscall;		/* system call number (if in syscall) */
	uintptr_t	pr_addr;	/* internal address of lwp */
	uintptr_t pr_wchan;		/* sleep address */
	char pr_waitr; 			/* thread wait reason */
	char pr_waitm;			/* wait mode */
	char pr_wipr; 			/* wait ideal processor */
	uint32_t pr_waittm; 	/* wait time */
	char pr_cpu; 			/* current cpu */
	uint32_t pr_affinity;	/* The set of processors on which the thread is allowed to run */ 
	char pr_iopri;			/* io priority */
	char pr_pagepri;		/* page priority */
} lwpsinfo_t;
typedef struct fileinfo {
	string fi_name;			/* name (basename of fi_pathname) */
	string fi_dirname;		/* directory (dirname of fi_pathname) */
	string fi_pathname;		/* full pathname */
	uint64_t fi_offset;		/* offset within file */
	string fi_fs;			/* filesystem */
	string fi_mount;		/* mount point of file system */
	int fi_oflags;			/* open(2) flags for file descriptor */
	int fi_cflags;			/* create options */
	int fi_aflags;			/* File attributes */
	int fi_sflags;			/* File share access flags */
	int fi_bcount;			/* number of bytes requested*/ 
	int fi_extinfo;			/* extra info */
	int fi_rstatus;			/* return (NTSTATUS) status */
	int fi_dbuflen;			/* directory enum buffer size */
	caddr_t fi_irp;         /* unique irp address */
	string fi_dpattern;		/* directory search pattern */
} fileinfo_t;
typedef struct bufinfo {
	int b_flags;			/* buffer status */
	int b_irpflags;			/* I/O request packet flags */
	size_t b_bcount;		/* number of bytes */
	caddr_t b_addr;			/* buffer address */
	uint64_t b_lblkno;		/* block # on device */
	uint64_t b_blkno;		/* expanded block # on device */
	size_t b_resid;			/* # of bytes not transferred */
	size_t b_bufsize;		/* size of allocated buffer */
	caddr_t b_iodone;		/* I/O completion routine */
	int b_error;			/* expanded error field */
	int b_edev;				/* extended device */
	uint64_t resp;			/* The time between I/O initiation and completion */
} bufinfo_t;
typedef struct ipinfo {
	uint8_t  ip_ver;		/* IP version (4, 6) */
	uint16_t ip_plength;		/* payload length */
	string   ip_saddr;		/* source address */
	string   ip_daddr;		/* destination address */
	uint32_t ip_connid;		/* A unique connection identifier to correlate events belonging to the same connection.*/
	uint64_t ip_stime;		/* Start send request time. */
	uint32_t ip_etime;		/* End send request time. */
} ipinfo_t;
typedef struct tcpinfo {
	uint16_t tcp_sport;	/* source port */
	uint16_t tcp_dport;	/* destination port */
	uint32_t tcp_seq;	/* sequence number */
	uint32_t tcp_ack;	/* acknowledgement number */
	uint8_t tcp_offset;	/* data offset, in bytes */
	uint8_t tcp_flags;	/* flags */
	uint16_t tcp_window;	/* window size */
	uint16_t tcp_checksum;	/* checksum */
	uint16_t tcp_urgent;	/* urgent data pointer */
	struct tcphdr *tcp_hdr;	/* raw TCP header */
	uint16_t tcp_mss;			/* Maximum segment size. */
	uint16_t tcp_sackopt;		/* Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) option in TCP header. */
	uint16_t tcp_tsopt;			/* Time Stamp option in TCP header. */
	uint16_t tcp_wsopt;			/* Window Scale option in TCP header. */
	uint16_t tcp_rcvws;			/* TCP Receive Window Scaling factor. */
	uint16_t tcp_sndws;			/* TCP Send Window Scaling factor. */
} tcpinfo_t;
typedef struct registry {
	int r_index;			/* The subkey index for the registry operation (such as EnumerateKey) */
	int r_status;			/* NTSTATUS value of the registry operation. */
	int64_t r_intime;		/* Initial time of the registry operation. */
	string r_rname;			/* Name of the registry key. */
} registry_t;


DTrace for Windows in userspace; Frontend to ETW


Language:C 56.2%Language:DTrace 24.6%Language:Shell 7.9%Language:C++ 4.7%Language:Java 1.8%Language:Perl 1.7%Language:C# 1.0%Language:D 0.4%Language:Lex 0.4%Language:Yacc 0.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Assembly 0.3%Language:Batchfile 0.1%Language:DIGITAL Command Language 0.1%Language:Roff 0.1%Language:Raku 0.0%