prasadchandan / vagrant-ambari

Scripts to deploy Apache Haddop cluster automatically with the help of Vagrant and Apache Ambari.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This project is a set of scripts to deploy Apache Ambari on VirtualBox and Amazon AWS. These scripts are designed for development and testing only. For production, you need to change many parts for security, such as use of root accounts to run all daemons!

Some references

VirtualBox Guide

  • Prepare CentOS 64bit box using vagrant box add centos6.5-x86_64 You can find other boxes in but we currently support CentOS 6 only.
  • Customize Vagrant configuration:
    • Change the number of nodes defined as NUM_NODES. Be aware that each VM uses 4GB of RAM!
  • Run vagrant up and wait for all procedures to complete.
  • Now you can connect to the master node via to continue with Ambari setup.
    It is recommended to modify your /etc/hosts (C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts for Windows) to map master with and connect to the Ambari setup by http://master:8080.
  • Ambari setup:
    • The default account is admin / admin.
    • Check only the CentOS 6 repository.
    • Type master, node1, ..., nodeN (where N is NUM_NODES) in the node list.
    • Choose manual installation of Ambari agents instead of uploading the private key. They are automatically installed during the provisioning process.
    • Use "vagrant" for the user account name.
    • Choose only HDFS, Yarn + MapReduce2, Nagios, Ganglia, ZooKeeper services.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions.
  • La Voila! Now you have a running Hadoop/Hive/Pig cluster on your desktop (or whatever that VirtualBox is running on).

Amazon AWS Guide

  • Install cygwin with OpenSSH and rsync packages. Ensure that they are available from the command prompt by adding cygwin's bin directory to the PATH environment variable.
  • Install vagrant-aws plugin by vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws.
  • For KAIST users:
    • Increase the sleep delay from 2 to 11 between SSH connection tests in run_instance.rb and start_instance.rb at the directory ~/.vagrant.d/gems/gems/vagrant-aws-0.4.1/lib/vagrant-aws/action. Find the corresponding line by searching sleep. (There is only one line per file.) Otherwise, the university firewall will block your external Internet connection for a few minutes after launching EC2 instances.
  • Prepare a dummy box by vagrant box add dummy
  • Register your AWS access key and secret key to the environment variables named AWS_ACCESS_KEY and AWS_SECRET_KEY. For Linux/Mac users, use export command. For Windows users, use set command.
  • AWS configurations:
    • Store your private key (.pem file) generated from the AWS console in ~/.vagrant.d/.
    • Configure a security group that allows external SSH (port 22) and HTTP (port 8080) inbound connections.
  • Customize Vagrant configuration:
    • Check the region where you provision the instances. The default is ap-northeast-1 because it has the lowest latency from South Korea. :)
    • Change the security group name. The default is default.
    • Change the key filenames and keypair name.
    • Change the number of nodes defined as NUM_NODES.
    • If you want, you may change the instance type and AMI. The default instance type is m1.large. The default AMI image is CentOS 6.4 official release from the AWS marketplace.
  • Run vagrant up --provider=aws and wait for all procedures to complete.
  • Now you can connect to the master node via http://{master's public ip}:8080/ to continue with Ambari setup.
  • Ambari setup:
    • The default account is admin / admin.
    • Check only the CentOS 6 repository.
    • Type FQDN of internal host names in the node list, for example: ip-172-31-xx-xx.ap-northeast-1.compute.internal.
    • Choose automatic installation via SSH and upload the private key.
    • Use "root" for the user account name.
  • La Voila! Now you have a running Hadoop/Hive/Pig cluster on AWS.

How to use SSH to the master machine

  • You need to specify the SSH private key depending on your SSH client.
    • For PuTTY, use PuTTYGen to convert OpenSSL private key into PuTTY private key (ppk) without passphrase protection. And then add this key to Pageant.
    • For command line SSH, use ssh -i {keyfilename} {master's ip} command.
  • In VirtualbBox, the master's default SSH port is mapped to 2222. node1 is mapped to 2200, node2 to 2201, ..., so on.
  • In Amazon, you can use the plain SSH port 22.

What happens under the hood of vagrant up

The Vagrant script automatically configures Hortonworks yum repositories and install ambari-server/agent. For AWS, installation of ambari-agent is skipped because auto-installation by ambari-server works well without manual touches to the agent configurations (which is written in To install the ambari-server automatically, it uses a expect script named ambari_server_init.expect. The script also tries to disable iptables (which is on by default in CentOS AMI and only allows 22 port inbound connections only). Actual deployments of virtual machines and provisioning is handled by Vagrant.

For VirtualBox, the root /vagrant directory is directly synchronized with the current working directory (where Vagrant file exists). For AWS, vagrant uses rsync to copy files in the current working directory to /vagrant directory of each instance.


Scripts to deploy Apache Haddop cluster automatically with the help of Vagrant and Apache Ambari.