pras79 / DeDup-Array


Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Method1 :

Sorting an array to remove duplicates. quick sort approach to sort an array and removed duplicates over iterating the sorted array. Time complexity: O(n log(n)) * O(n)
Space complexity: constant time as there is no auxiliary array This solution works well, less memory and big input data conditions again to compromise on perforance and array order.

Method 2:

Set to remove the duplicates - order maintained but auxiliary array is used Time complexity O(n) Space complexity: O(n) since auxiliary array is used. We can use this approach if we have enough memory to consume. This won’t be the ideal solution if the we have memory constraints performance wise it is an ideal solution to is quicker than othet two approaches

Method 3:

Using Java streams to remove the duplicates.concise and less code and easy to read but again not as fast method 2. But it consumes les memory as no auxiliary data structure used Space Complexity: constant space

this is the ideal solution for big input data.choose this if you have large amount of data as streams are really good for big input

but performance wise not a best solution




Language:Java 100.0%