pranjalshikhar / pranjalshikhar

🖍️ A brief bio about me, from which you can get along with me. ✨

Repository from Github https://github.compranjalshikhar/pranjalshikharRepository from Github https://github.compranjalshikhar/pranjalshikhar

Hi My name is Pranjal Shikhar

Developer // Designer // Weeb // Whatever ✨

Front-end engineer who develops modern, reactive, and user-friendly web applications using the latest technologies. 🚀 I believe a perfect blend of UI architecture is one, where the goals and needs are accounted for in an elegant, efficient, and robust design of the UI. ✨

  • 🌍  I'm based in Planet Vegeta
  • 🧠  I'm learning how to build apps more beautiful🔥
  • 🤝  I'm open to collaborating on UI Design & Frontend Projects
  • ⚡  I'm secretly a Kaizoku....but don't tell anyone.


JavaScript TypeScript React NextJs Sass TailwindCSS Material UI Redux Figma



My GitHub Stats

pranjalshikhar's GitHub stats


🖍️ A brief bio about me, from which you can get along with me. ✨

License:Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal