pranavsb / microservice-springboot-mongodb-sample

A sample project to develop microservice with MongoDB (NoSQL database) using spring boot. Focus is mainly on how to configure spring boot to create database and collection (table) automatically without manual intervention in MongoDB.

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Spring boot microservice with MongoDB a NoSQL database

MongoDB is a No SQL database. It is an open-source, cross-platform, document-oriented database and stores data as documents. It provides high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling. Here we will see how to create a simple spring boot microservice project with MongoDB as a database.



Configuring MongoDB through Spring

The above configurations are needed for spring boot microservice application to interact with MongoDB. Here sb_account is the database. The default port for MongoDB is 27017.


@Document(collection = "accounts")
public class AccountModel {

	private int accNo;
	private String accName;
	private double amount;
	private String currency;

	public AccountModel() {


In MongoDB, tables are called as collection. MongoDB creates database and collection automatically when you insert some documents programatically. All we need to do this, annotate the entity class as shown above. Here the collection (table) name is accounts. For more information about MongoDB, please refer the below link.


The sample microservice is a Account Creation service (Banking) which will take accNo, accName, amount and currency as inputs and creates a new customer account and stores in MongoDB database. Remember we need not create database and collection manually in the database. Simply by calling this microservice, everything will be created automatically and stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents.

Image of Workflow

To test the sample

URI to test the POST service


Sample Request

  "accNo" : 101,
  "accName" : "AAAAA",
  "amount" : 2000,
  "currency" : "INR"

Sample Response

Account added successfully

Document stored in MongoDB

Image of Output

Here we can see the account data are stored as JSON-like document. ObjectId is the unique key automatically created by MongoDB when a new document is inserted.


A sample project to develop microservice with MongoDB (NoSQL database) using spring boot. Focus is mainly on how to configure spring boot to create database and collection (table) automatically without manual intervention in MongoDB.

License:MIT License


Language:Java 100.0%