pramirez23 / PathNavigator

PathNavigator is an interactive pathfinding algorithm visualizer, inspired by Clement Mihailescu. The goal of this application is to show people how various pathfinding algorithms function.

Home Page:

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

PathNavigator Logo

Background and Overview

PathNavigator is a pathfinding algorithm visualizer that uses BFS, DFS and Dijkstra's Algorithm to find the shortest path between nodes in a graph. It was built to help people more easily see and understand the steps that different pathfinding algorithms take to find a target.


  • JavaScript
  • Sass (SCSS)
  • Webpack


Users are able to:

  • Select a pathfinding algorithm and visualization speed

    Selection Demo

  • Move the start and target nodes anywhere on the graph

    Repositioning Nodes Demo

  • Draw or randomly generate walls on the graph around a root and target node

    Drawing Demo

    Random Wall Generation Demo

  • Visualize pathfinding algorithms

    Visualization Demo

Code Snippets

The function shown below is executed by the root node whenever a new visualization is initiated. It evaluates all of the nodes in the grid and creates parent and child relationships for all of the direct neighbors of each node. The generated tree data structure is what a selected algorithm will search through to find the target node.

Note that a queue and a set were utilized to make sure each node was evaluated one at a time, while keeping track of nodes that have already been evaluated.

generateTree() {
  let nodeQueue = [this];
  let nodes = new Set();
  while (!!nodeQueue.length) {
    let node = nodeQueue.shift(); 
    Node.MOVES.forEach(move => {
      let dx = move[0];
      let dy = move[1];
      let nextPos = [node.pos[0] + dx, node.pos[1] + dy];
      let nextPosX = nextPos[0];
      let nextPosY = nextPos[1];
      if (node.board.validMove(nextPos)) {
        let neighbor = this.grid[nextPosX][nextPosY].node;
        if (nodes.has(`${nextPosX}-${nextPosY}`)) {

Node.MOVES = [
  [0, 1],
  [1, 0],
  [0, -1],
  [-1, 0]

The visualization of the search was made possible by taking advantage of JavaScript's DOM manipulation and asynchronicity. The root node object keeps a record of node positions that have already been searched.

visualizeSearch() and visualizePath() both iterate through searched and path tiles, while also recursively calling setTimeout(). This was done in order to asynchronously change the searched and path tile classes for animation purposes, while also preventing all of the tiles from changing classes at once. Recursion ensures a slight delay between each iteration of animating a searched or path tile.

visualizeSearch(root, grid, path, speed) {
  if (root.searched.length === 0) {
    this.visualizePath(root, grid, path);
  } else if (root.searched.length > 0) {      
    setTimeout(() => {
      let pos = root.searched.shift();
      let tile = grid[pos[0]][pos[1]].tileEle;
      this.visualizeSearch(root, grid, path, speed);
    }, speed);

visualizePath(root, grid, path) {
  if (path.length === 0) {
    root.board.algorithmStarted = false;
  } else if (path.length > 0) {
    let pos = path.shift();
    let tile = grid[pos[0]][pos[1]].tileEle;
    setTimeout(() => {
      this.visualizePath(root, grid, path)
    }, 30)


PathNavigator is an interactive pathfinding algorithm visualizer, inspired by Clement Mihailescu. The goal of this application is to show people how various pathfinding algorithms function.


Language:JavaScript 57.3%Language:SCSS 29.3%Language:HTML 13.3%