prakharjadaun / 100-CPP-Programs-Practice

This repository contains brief explanation and implementation of STL library of C++. Moreover, it contains program related to templates, exception handling and file handling.

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100 C++ Programs - Practice

This repository contains 100 practice programs that I have implemented in C/C++. As one should always adhere to the basics, these are some basic programs each programmer should know :

  1. Program to find Fibonacci numbers.
  2. Check if a number is prime or not.
  3. Check if number is palindrome or not.
  4. Find factorial of the number.
  5. Check if a number is Armstrong number.
  6. Program to find sum of digits.
  7. Reverse a number.
  8. Swap Numbers in C.
  9. Program without main
  10. Program for decimal to binary.
  11. Check if number is positive or negative
  12. Program to find greatest of 3 numbers.
  13. Program to get ascii value.
  14. Program to demonstrate sizeof function.
  15. Program to check for leap year.
  16. Program to convert upper case to lower case.
  17. Program to convert lower case to upper case.
  18. Program to get string length.
  19. Program to concatenate 2 strings.
  20. Program to get largest element in an array.
  21. Find the GCD.
  22. Find the LCM.
  23. Find the number of digits.
  24. Find the array average.
  25. Demonstrate the use of strcpy.
  26. Demostrate the use of strrev
  27. Find the strong number.
  28. Program to find the cube of a number.
  29. Program to generate random number.
  30. Program to check if strings are anagram.
  31. Program to toggle case.
  32. Program to get number of vowels and consonants.
  33. STL : Vectors
  34. STL : Insertion and Deletion in vectors.
  35. STL : cctype library.
  36. STL : List
  37. STL : Understanding the use of end() func. under the list.
  38. STL : Sorting a list.
  39. STL : Map
  40. STL : Queues
  41. STL : Deque
  42. STL : Bitset.
  43. STL : Priority Queue
  44. STL : Sets
  45. STL : Stack
  46. STL : *min_element(),*max_element(), sort(), reverse() and accumulate() functions.
  47. STL : count(), count_if(), find() and find_end() functions.
  48. STL : binary_search(), upper_bound() and lower_bound() functions.
  49. STL : distance() function.
  50. STL : Multimap.
  51. STL : Multiset.
  52. STL : make_heap(), push_heap(), pop_heap(), sort_heap() and is_heap() functions.
  53. STL : adjacent_find() function.
  54. STL : copy() and copy_n() function.
  55. STL : copy_if() and copy_backward() function.
  56. STL : equal and equal_range() func.
  57. STL : fill() and fill_n()
  58. STL : find_first_of(), find_if and for_each()
  59. STL : generate(), generate_n() and includes()
  60. STL : merge() and inplace_merge().
  61. STL : iter_swap() and lexicographical_compare()
  62. STL : mismatch()
  63. STL : next_permutation() and prev_permutation()
  64. STL : nth_element()
  65. STL : partial_sort() and partial_sort_copy()
  66. STL : partition() and stable_partition()
  67. STL : shuffle() and random_shuffle()
  68. STL : remove(), remove_if(), remove_copy() and remove_copy_if()
  69. STL : replace(), replace_if(), replace_copy() and replace_copy_if()
  70. STL : rotate() and rotate_copy()
  71. STL : search() and search_n()
  72. STL : set_difference(), set_intersection(), set_symmetric_difference() and set_union()
  73. STL : swap() and swap_ranges()
  74. STL : unique() and unique_copy().
  75. Templates : Intro to generic functions
  76. Templates : Generic function with two generic types.
  77. Templates : Explicitly overloading a generic function.
  78. Templates : Overloading a function template.
  79. Templates : Using Standard parameters with template functions.
  80. Templates : Generic functions restrictions.
  81. Templates : Sorting through a generic function.
  82. Templates : Understanding generic classes using stack.
  83. Exception Handling : Basics of Exception handling.
  84. Exception Handling : Example of Unhandled Exception.
  85. Exception Handling : How an exception can be thrown out of try block?
  86. Exception Handling : How to handle an exception locally?
  87. Exception Handling : What if no exception is generated or thrown?
  88. Exception Handling : Catching Class Types.
  89. Exception Handling : Multiple Catch blocks.
  90. Exception Handling : Handling Derived Class Exceptions.
  91. Exception Handling : Catching all exceptions with a single catch block.
  92. Exception Handling : Restricting Exceptions.
  93. Exception Handling : Rethrowing an Exception.
  94. Exception Handling : Setting a new terminate handler.
  95. Exception Handling : Applying exception handling.
  96. File Handling : Writing into a file.
  97. File Handling : Reading from a file.
  98. File Handling : Reading from a file using getline().
  99. File Handling : Reading from a file using seekg().
  100. File handling : Writing into a file using seekp().


This repository contains brief explanation and implementation of STL library of C++. Moreover, it contains program related to templates, exception handling and file handling.

License:MIT License


Language:C++ 100.0%