prakhar134 / Sales-Analyses-and-Prediction-App-using-Streamlit

The repository is a streamlit based web app deployed as - which analyses sales for Rossman Stores using seaborn python library and make future sales prediction using Decision Tree Algorithm.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Rossman Sales Analysis and Prediction

Rossmann operates over 3,000 drug stores in 7 European countries. This repository works on the data extracted from the Kaggle Competition 'Rossmann Store Sales-Forecast sales using store, promotion, and competitor data'


This app is a demonstration of how data solutions like Data Analysis and Forecast can easily be made end user friendly, such type of apps (web apps) can be used to get an overview of a company and its performance in the recent time.

For the ease of people reading it we have created the seprate folder for seprate modules :

  • data : contains all the data files used in the repo inculding the images used in the app, configure the using resources from here
  • model : conatains model sales.sav file to be used by pickle along with the model notebook with explanation of the model used
  • streamlit app : contains the actual web app made using streamlit framework
  • visualization : contains the notebook for detailed discription of the visualization techniques used.

Usage Instruction

To run the app on your local machine follow the following instruction after cloning the repo. In Streamlit App folder :

  • Install all the dependecies using requirements.txt using
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Set all the correct local path\directory for the data dependencies from data in


The app is deployed using the heroku as PAS.
Follow the following link to check the live deployment of the app.
Rossman Sales Analysis and Prediction


Home page for the web app

Home page

Data Visualization for analysis

Data Visualization

Sales forecast

Model Prediction

Authored By:

Project By :


The repository is a streamlit based web app deployed as - which analyses sales for Rossman Stores using seaborn python library and make future sales prediction using Decision Tree Algorithm.

License:MIT License


Language:Jupyter Notebook 98.8%Language:Python 1.2%