prakashn27 / datastructures-and-algorithms

Implementation of data structures and algorithms

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  • Basic Techniques
    • Time Complexity
    • Sorting
    • Data Structures
    • Complete Search
    • Greedy Algorithms
    • Dynamic Programming
    • Amortized Analysis
    • Range Queries
    • Bit Manipulation
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Advanced Topics

Datastructures and Algorithms

  • 1. Binary Search
  • 2. Quicksort
  • 3. Merge Sort
  • 4. Suffix Array
  • 5. Knuth-Morris-Pratt Algorithm (KMP)
  • 6. Rabin-Karp Algorithm
  • 7. Tries
  • 8. Depth First Traversal of a graph
  • 9. Breadth First Traversal of a graph
  • 10. Dijkstra's Algorithm
  • 11. Binary Indexed Tree
  • 12. Segment Tree (with lazy propagation)
  • 13. Z algorithm
  • 14. Floyd Warshall Algorithm
  • 15. Sparse Table (LCP, RMQ)
  • 16. Heap / Priority Queue / Heapsort
  • 17. Modular Multiplicative Inverse
  • 18. Binomial coefficients (nCr % M)
  • 19. Suffix Automaton
  • 20. Lowest Common Ancestor
  • 21. Counting Inversions
  • 22. Euclid's Extended Algorithm
  • 23. Suffix Tree
  • 24. Dynamic Programming
  • 25. Basic Data Structures
  • 26. Logarithmic Exponentiation
  • 27. Graphs
  • 28. Minimum Spanning Tree
  • 29. Efficient Prime Factorization
  • 30. Combinatorics
  • 31. Union Find/Disjoint Set
  • 32. Knapsack problem
  • 33. Aho-Corasick String Matching Algorithm
  • 34. Strongly Connected Components
  • 35. Bellman Ford algorithm
  • 36. Heavy-light Decomposition
  • 37. Convex Hull
  • 38. Line Intersection
  • 39. Sieve of Erastothenes
  • 40. Interval Tree
  • 41. Counting Sort
  • 42. Probabilities
  • 43. Matrix Exponentiation
  • 44. Network flow
  • 45. K-d tree
  • 46. Deque
  • 47. Binary Search Tree
  • 48. Quick Select
  • 49. Treap/Cartesian Tree
  • 50. Game TheoryP
  • 51. STL (C++)
  • 52. Maximum Bipartite Matching
  • 53. Manacher's Algorithm
  • 54. Miller-Rabin Primality Test : Code
  • 55. Stable Marriage Problem
  • 56. Hungarian Algorithm, Tutorial
  • 57. Sweep line Algorithm
  • 58. LCP
  • 59. Gaussian Elimination
  • 60. Pollard Rho Integer Factorization, problem
  • 61. Topological Sorting
  • 62. Detecting Cycles in a Graph
  • 63. Geometry
  • 64. Backtracking
  • 65. Eulerian and Hamiltonian Paths
  • 66. Graph Coloring
  • 67. Meet in the Middle
  • 68. Arbitrary Precision Integer(BigInt), II
  • 69. Radix Sort, Bucket Sort
  • 70. Johnson's Algorithm
  • 71. Maximal Matching in a General Graph
  • 72. Recursion
  • 73. Inclusion and Exclusion Principle
  • 74. Co-ordinate Compression
  • 75. Sqrt-Decomposition
  • 76. Link-Cut Tree
  • 77. Euler's Totient Function
  • 78. Burnside Lemma
  • 79. Edit/Levenshtein Distance
  • 80. Branch and Bound
  • 81. Math for Competitive Programming
  • 82. Mo's Algorithm


Implementation of data structures and algorithms


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