pragnesh / IP-Address-API

Datacenter / Hosting IP Address API - Find out if an IP address belongs to a hosting provider such as AWS, Azure or Digitalocean

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  1. Quickstart
  2. Introduction
  3. API Features
  4. API Response Format
  5. API Endpoints

This IP address API returns useful meta-information for IP addresses. For example, the API response includes the organization of the IP address, ASN information and geolocation intelligence and WHOIS data.

Furthermore, the API response allows to derive security information for each IP address, for example whether an IP address belongs to a hosting provider (is_datacenter), is a TOR exit node (is_tor), if an IP address is a proxy (is_proxy) or VPN (is_vpn) or belongs to an abuser (is_abuser).

This API strongly emphasizes datacenter/hosting detection. A complicated hosting detection algorithm was developed to achieve a high detection rate. Thousands of different hosting providers are tracked. Whois records, public hosting IP ranges from hosting providers and a proprietary hosting discovery algorithm are used to decide whether an IP address belongs to a datacenter or not.

The API furthermore includes accurate and rich ASN meta data. For instance, the API includes raw whois data for each active ASN. Fields such as the ASN type are derived by analyzing the company that owns the autonomous system.


Lookup any IP address:

Lookup your own IP address:

Usage with JavaScript:

  .then(res => res.json())
  .then(res => console.log(res));

Usage with curl:

curl ''


The IP address API makes use of the following data sources:

  1. Public whois records from regional Internet address registries such as RIPE NCC, APNIC, ARIN and so on
  2. Public BGP routing table data for ASN lookups
  3. Public blocklists such as firehol/blocklist-ipset
  4. The API uses a proprietary datacenter/hosting detection algorithm
  5. Other open source projects that try to find hosting IP addresses such as, or are also considered
  6. The API uses IP threat data from various honeypots
  7. IP geolocation information from several different geolocation providers is used. By using more than one geolocation source, a more accurate location can be interpolated.
  8. A proprietary geolocation database is built from scratch. Gelocation data is sourced from whois data. For example, some Regional Internet Registries such as APNIC support the geofeed and geoloc property in whois records.

API Features

  • Ready for production: This API can be used in production and is stable
  • Many datacenters supported: Thousands of different hosting providers and counting - From Huawei Cloud Service to ServerMania Inc. Find out whether the IP address is hosted by looking at the is_datacenter property!
  • Always updated: The API database is automatically updated several times per week.
  • ASN support: The API provides autonomous system information for each looked up IP address
  • Company Support: The API provides organizational information for each network of each looked up IP address
  • Bulk IP Lookups: You can lookup up to 100 IP addresses per API call

ASN Database

For offline ASN data access, the ASN Database is provided. The ASN database includes all assigned and allocated AS numbers by IANA and respective meta information. The database is updated several times per week. For active ASN's (at least one route/prefix assigned to the AS), the database includes rich meta information. For example, the provided information for the ASN 50673 would be:

"50673": {
  "asn": "50673",
  "org": "Serverius Holding B.V.",
  "domain": "",
  "abuse": "",
  "type": "hosting",
  "created": "2010-09-07",
  "updated": "2022-11-15",
  "rir": "ripe",
  "descr": "SERVERIUS-AS, NL",
  "country": "NL",
  "active": true,
  "prefixes": [
    // many more IPv4 prefixes ...
  "prefixesIPv6": [
    // many more IPv6 prefixes ...

The database is in JSON format. The key is the ASN as int and the value is an object with AS meta information such as the one above.

Click here to download the ASN Database

How to download & parse the ASN database?

Download and unzip the ASN database:

cd /tmp
curl -O

And parse with nodejs:

let asnDatabase = require('./fullASN.json');
for (let asn in asnDatabase) {
  console.log(asn, asnDatabase[asn]);

Hosting IP Ranges Database

Furthermore, the Hosting IP ranges Database is provided for offline and scalable access. This database contains all known datacenter IP ranges in the Internet. A proprietary algorithm was developed to determine if a network belongs to a hosting provider.

The file format of the database is tab separated text file (.tsv), where each line of the file contains the company, network and domain of the hosting provider.

Example excerpt of the database:

Linode, LLC -
OVH Sp. z o. o. -
myLoc managed IT AG -

Click here to download the Hosting IP Ranges Database

How to download & parse the Datacenter database?

Download and unzip the Hosting Ranges database:

cd /tmp
curl -O

And parse with nodejs:

const fs = require('fs');

let hostingRanges = fs.readFileSync('hostingRanges.tsv').toString().split('\n');
for (let line of hostingRanges) {
  let [company, network, domain] = line.split('\t');
  console.log(company, network, domain);

API Response Format

The API output format is explained by walking through an example. Most of the returned information is self-explanatory.

This is how a typical API response looks like. The IP was queried with the API call

  "ip": "",
  "rir": "ARIN",
  "is_bogon": false,
  "is_datacenter": true,
  "is_tor": true,
  "is_proxy": false,
  "is_vpn": false,
  "is_abuser": true,
  "company": {
    "name": "ColoCrossing",
    "domain": "",
    "network": " -",
    "whois": ""
  "datacenter": {
    "datacenter": "ColoCrossing",
    "domain": "",
    "network": " -"
  "asn": {
    "asn": 36352,
    "route": "",
    "descr": "AS-COLOCROSSING, US",
    "country": "us",
    "active": true,
    "org": "ColoCrossing",
    "domain": "",
    "abuse": "",
    "type": "hosting",
    "created": "2005-12-12",
    "updated": "2013-01-08",
    "rir": "arin",
    "whois": ""
  "location": {
    "country": "United States of America",
    "country_code": "US",
    "state": "New York",
    "city": "Buffalo",
    "latitude": 42.8825,
    "longitude": -78.8788,
    "zip": "14202",
    "timezone": "America/New_York",
    "local_time": "2023-04-02T14:03:27-04:00",
    "local_time_unix": 1680458607,
    "is_dst": true
  "elapsed_ms": 4.14

In the following section, the different parts of the API response are explained in-depth.

Response Format: Top Level API Output

The top level API output looks as follows:

  "ip": "",
  "rir": "ARIN",
  "is_bogon": false,
  "is_datacenter": true,
  "is_tor": true,
  "is_proxy": false,
  "is_vpn": false,
  "is_abuser": true,
  "elapsed_ms": 4.14

The explanation for the top level API fields is as follows:

Field ip

The field ip has datatype string.

It is the IP address that was looked up, in the example above it is

If no IP address was specified (Example:, the client's own IP address is looked up.

Field rir

The field rir has datatype string.

It specifies to which Regional Internet Registry the IP address belongs. Here it belongs to ARIN, which is the RIR responsible for North America.

Field is_bogon

The field is_bogon has datatype boolean.

It determines if the IP address is bogon. Bogon IP Addresses is the set of IP Addresses not assigned/allocated to IANA and any RIR (Regional Internet Registry). For example, the loopback IP is a special/bogon IP address. The IP address is not bogon, hence it is set to false here.

Field is_datacenter

The field is_datacenter has datatype boolean.

It specifies whether the IP address belongs to a datacenter or not. Here, we have the value true, since belongs to the hosting provider ColoCrossing.

Field is_tor

The field is_tor has datatype boolean.

If the field is_tor is true, the IP address belongs to the TOR network. This is the case here. Tor detection is accurate, so you can rely on the value of is_tor. The API detects most TOR exit nodes reliably.

Field is_proxy

The field is_proxy has datatype boolean.

The field determines whether the IP address is a proxy. This is not the case here. In general, the flag is_proxy only covers a subset of all proxies in the Internet.

Field is_vpn

The field is_vpn has datatype boolean.

The field determines if the IP address is a VPN. This is not the case with the IP In general, the flag is_vpn only covers a subset of all VPN's in the Internet. It is not possible to detect all VPN exit nodes passively.

Field is_abuser

The field is_abuser has datatype boolean.

The field is_abuser is true if the IP address committed abusive actions, which was the case with Various IP blocklists and threat intelligence feeds are used to populate the is_abuser flag.

Open source and proprietary block lists are used in the API to populate the is_abuser flag.

Field elapsed_ms

The field elapsed_ms has datatype float.

The field stores how much internal processing time was spent in milliseconds (ms). This lookup only took 4.14ms, which is quite fast.

Response Format: The datacenter object

"datacenter": {
  "datacenter": "ColoCrossing",
  "domain": "",
  "network": " -"

If the IP address belongs to a datacenter/hosting provider, the API response will include a datacenter object with the following attributes:

  • datacenter - string - to which datacenter the IP address belongs. For a full list of datacenters, check the info endpoint. In this case, the datacenter's name is ColoCrossing.
  • domain - string - The domain name of the company
  • network - string - the network this IP address belongs to (In the above case: -

Most IP's don't belong to a hosting provider. In those cases, the datacenter object will not be present in the API output.

For a couple of large cloud providers, such as Google Cloud, Amazon AWS, DigitalOcean or Microsoft Azure (and some others), the datacenter object is more detailed.

Amazon AWS example:

  "ip": "",
  "datacenter": {
    "datacenter": "Amazon AWS",
    "network": "",
    "region": "ap-northeast-2",
    "service": "EC2",
    "network_border_group": "ap-northeast-2"

DigitalOcean example:

  "ip": "",
  "datacenter": {
    "datacenter": "DigitalOcean",
    "code": "60341",
    "city": "Frankfurt",
    "state": "DE-HE",
    "country": "DE",
    "network": ""

Linode example:

  "ip": "",
  "datacenter": {
    "datacenter": "Linode",
    "name": "US-TX",
    "city": "Richardson",
    "country": "US",
    "network": ""

Response Format: The company object

"company": {
  "name": "ColoCrossing",
  "domain": "",
  "network": " -",
  "whois": ""

Most IP addresses can be associated with an organization or company. The API uses whois database information to infer which organization is the owner of a certain IP address. Most API lookups will have an company object with the following attributes:

  • name - string - The name of the company
  • domain - string - The domain name of the company
  • network - string - The network for which the company has ownership
  • whois - string - An url to the whois information for the network of this IP address

Response Format: The asn object

"asn": {
  "asn": 36352,
  "route": "",
  "descr": "AS-COLOCROSSING, US",
  "country": "us",
  "active": true,
  "org": "ColoCrossing",
  "domain": "",
  "abuse": "",
  "type": "hosting",
  "created": "2005-12-12",
  "updated": "2013-01-08",
  "rir": "arin",
  "whois": ""

Most IP addresses can be associated with an Autonomous System (AS). The asn object provides the following attributes:

  • asn - int - The AS number
  • route - string - The IP route as CIDR in this AS
  • descr - string - An informational description of the AS
  • country - string - The country where the AS is situated in (administratively)
  • active - string - Whether the AS is active (active = at least one route administered by the AS)
  • org - string - The organization responsible for this AS
  • domain - string - The domain of the organization to which this AS belongs
  • abuse - string - The email address to which abuse complaints for this organization should be sent
  • type - string - The type for this ASN, this is either hosting, education, government, banking, business or isp
  • created - string - When the ASN was established
  • updated - string - The last time the ASN was updated
  • rir - string - To which Regional Internet Registry the ASN belongs
  • whois - string - An url to the whois information for this ASN

For inactive autonomous systems, most of the above information is not available.

Response Format: The location object

"location": {
  "country": "United States of America",
  "country_code": "US",
  "state": "New York",
  "city": "Buffalo",
  "latitude": 42.8825,
  "longitude": -78.8788,
  "zip": "14202",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "local_time": "2023-04-02T14:03:27-04:00",
  "local_time_unix": 1680458607,
  "is_dst": true

The API provides geolocation information for the looked up IP address. The location object includes the following attributes:

  • country - string - The full name of the country
  • country_code - string - The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code to which the IP address belongs. This is the country specific geolocation of the IP address.
  • state - string - The state / administrative area
  • city - string - The city to which the IP address belongs
  • latitude - float - The latitude for the IP address
  • longitude - float - The longitude for the IP address
  • zip - string - The zip code for this IP
  • timezone - string - The timezone for this IP
  • local_time - string - The local time for this IP in human readable format
  • local_time_unix - int - The local time for this IP as unix timestamp (int)
  • is_dst - boolean - Whether Daylight saving time (DST) is active in the region of this IP address
  • other - array - (Optional) - If there are multiple possible geographical locations, the attribute other is included in the API response. It contains an array of ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codes which represent the possible other geolocation countries.

Country level geolocation accuracy is quite good, since the API provides information from several different geolocation service providers.

Furthermore, a proprietary geolocation database was built from scratch in order to source the location object.

API Endpoints

The IP API currently has two endpoints.

GET Endpoint - Lookup a single IP Address or ASN

This GET endpoint allows to lookup a single IPv4 or IPv6 IP address by specifying the query parameter q. Example: q= You can also lookup ASN numbers by specifying the query q=AS209103

POST Endpoint - Query up to 100 IP Addresses in one API call

You can also make a bulk API lookup with up to 100 IP addresses (Either IPv4 or IPv6) in one single request.

  • Endpoint -
  • Method - POST
  • Content-Type - Content-Type: application/json
  • Parameter - ips - An array of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses to lookup

For example, in order to lookup the IP addresses

  • 2406:dafe:e0ff:ffff:ffff:ffff:dead:beef

you can use the following POST API request with curl:

curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request POST \
  --data '{"ips": ["", "2406:dafe:e0ff:ffff:ffff:ffff:dead:beef", "", ""]}' \


Datacenter / Hosting IP Address API - Find out if an IP address belongs to a hosting provider such as AWS, Azure or Digitalocean

License:MIT License