praekeltfoundation / motswadi

Parent education involvement through mobile messaging.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Parent education involvement through mobile messaging.

Getting Started

Create and install environment packages by executing the following commands:

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ve
$ . ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.pip

Starting Vumi App

Start the Vumi transport worker manually by executing the following command:

$ twistd -n start_worker --worker-class=vumi.transports.xmpp.XMPPTransport --config=./motswadi/transport.yaml

Start the Vumi application worker by executing the following command:

$ twistd -n start_worker --worker-class=motswadi.application.MotswadiApplicationWorker --config=./motswadi/worker.yaml


Remote Host Fabric Deploy


To provision a new Motswadi instance on a remote host run the following command using a user with superuser privileges on the remote host:

$ fab -H hostname:port -u user provision

After the provision access Motswadi by hitting the hostname in your browser.


To release new Motswadi code on an existing instance run the following command using a user with superuser privileges on the remote host:

$ fab -H hostname:port -u user release

This will pull the latest code from the master branch and restart the instance.


To restart a remote Motswadi instance previously provisioned run the following command using a user with superuser privileges on the remote host:

$ fab -H hostname:port -u user restart

This will restart Nginx and reload Supervisor, thus restarting Motswadi.

Local Vagrant Deploy

Deploy a local Vagrant instance like so:

you@host$ git clone
you@host$ cd motswadi
you@host$ vagrant up
you@host$ vagrant ssh
vagrant@lucid32$ sudo -i
vagrant@lucid32$ su ubuntu
ubuntu@lucid32$ cd /var/praekelt/motswadi
ubuntu@lucid32$ . ve/bin/activate
(ve)ubuntu@lucid32$ ./motswadi/ syncdb
(ve)ubuntu@lucid32$ ./motswadi/ migrate
(ve)ubuntu@lucid32$ ./motswadi/ collectstatic
(ve)ubuntu@lucid32$ exit
root@lucid32$ /etc/init.d/nginx restart
root@lucid32$ supervisorctl reload

Then access the Motswadi dashboard on localhost port 4567.


Parent education involvement through mobile messaging.


Language:Python 78.9%Language:Puppet 20.3%Language:Ruby 0.8%