pradeepa45 / currency-converter-dynamic

A sample currency converter with latest foreign exchange values and converts 33 types of currency types among each other. Uses a public api published by ECB. Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Another static version can be found under my repositories.

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Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A sample currency converter with latest foreign exchange values and converts 33 types of currency types among each other. Uses a public api published by ECB. Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Another static version can be found under my repositories.


A sample currency converter with latest foreign exchange values and converts 33 types of currency types among each other. Uses a public api published by ECB. Made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Another static version can be found under my repositories.


Language:JavaScript 93.7%Language:HTML 4.6%Language:CSS 1.7%