pquerna / docker-google-auth-proxy

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Google Auth Reverse Proxy

Docker Repository on Quay

Based on docker-apache2 and mod_auth_openidc


Prepare external values

  • You need your OIDC_CLIENT_ID and OIDC_CLIENT_SECRET from the Google: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect#getcredentials
  • You need to configure your OIDC_REDIRECT_URI with Google. If you wanted to protect https://app.example.com/, you should set this value to https://app.example.com/_oidc_redirect
  • You need to generate an OIDC_CRYPTO_SECRET. This can be completely random, but should be shared across clustered instances and ideally across process restarts. You can generate a suitable value with openssl rand -base64 32. This is used by mod_auth_openidc to encrypt session cookies.

Prepare configuration Volume

In this example, we are creating files under /srv/google-auth to be mounted as /conf inside the proxying container. You can use any path you like for volume in the host.

In /srv/google-auth put google-auth.conf

Listen *:443
NameVirtualHost *:443

<VirtualHost *:443>
	ServerName app.example.com

	# Defaults, based on https://wiki.mozilla.org/Security/Server_Side_TLS#Apache
	Include /opt/conf/ssl-vhost.conf

	SSLCertificateFile      /conf/app.example.com.crt
	SSLCertificateChainFile /conf/app.example.com.ca.crt
	SSLCertificateKeyFile   /conf/app.example.com.key

	<Location />
		AuthType openid-connect
		OIDCScope "openid email"
		# replace example.com with your Google Apps domain
		Require claim hd:example.com

Additionally add the respective app.example.com.crt, app.example.com.ca.crt and app.example.com.key to the volume as SSL certificates.

Run using docker

Run Using rkt

rkt run \
--net=host \
-e OIDC_REDIRECT_URI=YOUR_URL/_odic_redirect \
--volume volume-conf,kind=host,source=/srv/google-auth,readOnly=true \
