ppomes / myanon

A mysqldump anonymizer

Home Page:https://ppomes.github.io/myanon/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Myanon is a MySQL dump anonymizer, reading a dump from stdin, and producing an anonymized version to stdout.

Anonymization is done through a deterministic hmac processing based on sha-256. When used on fields acting as foreign keys, constraints are kept.

A configuration file is used to store the hmac secret and to select which fields need to be anonymized. A self-commented sample is provided (main/myanon-sample.conf)

This tool is in alpha stage. Please report any issue.

Simple use case

Example to create both a real crypted (sensitive) backup and an anonymized (non-sentitive) backup from a single mysqldump command:

mysqldump mydb | tee >(myanon -f myanon.cfg | gzip > mydb_anon.sql.gz) | gpg -e -r me@domain.com > mydb.sql.gz.gpg

Installation from sources

Build Requirements

  • autoconf
  • automake
  • make
  • a C compiler (gcc or clang)
  • flex
  • bison

Example on a Fedora system:

$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake gcc make flex bison

Example on a Debian/Ubuntu system:

$sudo apt-get install autoconf automake flex bison build-essential

On macOS, you need to install Xcode and homebrew, and then:

$ brew install autoconf automake flex bison

(Please ensure binaries installed by brew are in your $PATH)


make install

Compilation/link flags

Flags are controlled by using CFLAGS/LDFLAGS when invoking make. To create a debug build:

make CFLAGS="-O0 -g"

To create a static build on Linux:

make LDFLAGS="-static"


main/myanon -f tests/test1.conf < tests/test1.sql
zcat tests/test2.sql.gz | main/myanon -f tests/test2.conf

Installation from packages (Ubuntu)

A PPA is available at: https://launchpad.net/~pierrepomes/+archive/ubuntu/myanon

Docker Build / Run


docker build --tag myanon .
docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app myanon sh -c '/bin/myanon -f /app/myanon.conf < /app/dump.sql | gzip > /app/dump-anon.sql.gz'

Why Docker?

An alternative to the above build or run options is to use the provided Dockerfile to build inside an isolated environment, and run myanon from a container.

It's useful when:

  • you can't or don't want to install a full C development environment on your host
  • you want to quickly build for or run on a different architecture (e.g.: amd64 or arm64)
  • you want to easily distribute a self-contained myanon (e.g.: for remote execution & processing on a Kubernetes cluster)

The provided multistage build Dockerfile is using the official gcc Docker image for the build phase and the alpine Docker image for runtime (some myanon use-cases need a shell, so a distroless base image would not work here).

Build using Docker

Build a static binary using the provided Dockerfile:

# recommended, to start from a clean state 
make clean
# build using your default architecture
docker build --tag myanon .

For Apple Silicon users who want to build for amd64:

# recommended, to start from a clean state 
make clean
# build using the amd64 architecture
docker build --tag myanon --platform=linux/amd64 .

Run using Docker

In this example we will:

  • use a myanon configuration file (myanon.conf)
  • use a MySQL dump (dump.sql)
  • generate an anonymized dump (dump-anon.sql) based on the configuration and the full dump.

Sharing the local folder as /app on the Docker host:

docker run -it --rm -v ${PWD}:/app myanon sh -c '/bin/myanon -f /app/myanon.conf < /app/dump.sql > /app/dump-anon.sql'

For Apple Silicon users who want to run as amd64:

docker run -it --rm --platform linux/amd64 -v ${PWD}:/app myanon sh -c '/bin/myanon -f /app/myanon.conf < /app/dump.sql > /app/dump-anon.sql' 

Refer to the different options from the documentation above for detailed usage options.


A mysqldump anonymizer




Language:C 79.8%Language:Lex 6.6%Language:Yacc 6.4%Language:M4 6.3%Language:Makefile 0.7%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%Language:Shell 0.0%