=== Multilingual Template Hierarchy === Contributors: bartdag-resulto Tags: multilingual Requires at least: 4 Tested up to: 4.4.1 Stable tag: trunk License: GPL v3.0 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Enables theme developers using WPML to create type-slug.php templates in the default language. For example, if you create page-my-english-slug.php template, it will be used for the same page in other languages. == Description == Enables theme developers using WPML to create type-slug.php templates in the default language. Currently, with WPML, if you want to create a custom template for a page/category/post, you need to create such template in each language (e.g., page-english-slug.php, page-french-slug.php). With this plugin, you can create the template only for the default language (e.g., page-english-slug.php) and it will be used for all other languages. Version 1.0.0 supports translated page, category and tag slugs. == Installation == 1. Upload the entire `multilingual-template-hierarchy` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in WordPress. == Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * release date: January 20th 2016 * global $post is no longer overriden (does not play well with other plugins). = 1.0.0 = * release date: October 1st 2015 * Initial release