C Library for programming a Sphero RVR from a Raspberry Pi
This repository holds the C source for a library that supports programing a Sphero RVR from a Raspoberry Pi. There are two directories:
- src: This is the actual source code for the library. It can be compiled with using the Makefile. The Makefile builds "librvr.a", which can be used in the C builds.
- tests: This holds a number of tests for the C library. There's a Makefile in there as well.
There is no documentation, sorry! I'll work on that.
The proper way to start a code sequence:
set_logging_level(NOLOGGING); //or VERBOSE or VERYVERBOSE
The code should refuse to start without "init_port()" being called.
A note should be made about sensors and notifications. "init_port()" starts a thread that fields all the input from the RVR. Sensor data and notifications are registered and accessible via "get_..." calls. See sensor.h for a list of calls and sensortest files for examples.