pounard / chlovet2

Custom Symfony website, not much to say about.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This is a personal website

There's not much for you here. You might find some code samples in here but nothing I'm really proud of.


Start by coying sample *.env files:

cp docker.env.dist docker.env
cp env.dist .env

Then edit them, start by generated new passwords and change them all.

Then link the targeted environement docker-composer configuration.

For development environment:

ln -s docker-compose-dev.yaml docker-compose.yaml

Or for production environement:

ln -s docker-compose-prod.yaml docker-compose.yaml

Now you may run docker-compose to build containers:


Once done, if everything went fine, connect to postgres container to set up the database user:

docker exec -ti chlovet-postgres /bin/bash
su - postgres
createuser chlovet --createdb --login
createdb chlovet --owner='Here set the .env file database user'
psql -c "ALTER USER chlovet WITH PASSWORD 'Here set the .env file database password';"

Download composer.phar in the app/ folder. Ensure this is a legitimate copy by checking the file using its checksum.

Exit the container, and now let's finally prepare PHP:

docker exec -ti chlovet-php-fpm /bin/bash

Then for development environment:

php ./composer.phar install

Or for production environement:

php ./composer.phar install --no-dev --prefer-dist -o

And we will finish by creating the schema and clear the cache, you still need to be in the PHP container:

bin/console c:c
bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

Now you're almost done, we have a permission problem with nginx, so you need to run this from inside the app/ folder, but outside of docker:

cd app/
bin/user_rights -o -u root -g www-data -w public/

Now everything should work, if not, stop the containers and restart them this way:

docker stop chlovet-nginx chlovet-postgres chlovet-php-fpm


Custom Symfony website, not much to say about.


Language:JavaScript 57.2%Language:CSS 32.7%Language:PHP 8.0%Language:HTML 1.5%Language:TypeScript 0.3%Language:Shell 0.1%Language:Dockerfile 0.1%