poudelsunil / covid-updates-api

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Covid Updates API

  • A simple application so generate Country Wise Covid-19. With this application we can also send custom email to the users.
  • The following project is implemented using Java EE/ CDI framework / JAX-RS using jdk 11.

Getting Started

  • Clone the project in your system

  • Make sure you have docker installed to start the application

  • After cloning, open a terminal, go to the root folder of the project and perform the following commands.

    1. docker image build -t covidupdates_image .
    2. docker run -p 8080:8080 covidupdates_image

    The first command will build a docker image that consists of jar file of the project. The second command will run the image and it can be accessed locally in port 8080.




Get Countries

  • This API will provide available countries list. Country ISO2 field will be required to fetch covid-19 report.

Resource URL





  "code": "0",
  "message": "SUCCESS",
  "data": [
      "name": "Cyprus",
      "iso2": "CY"
      "name": "Denmark",
      "iso2": "DK"
      "name": "Dominican Republic",
      "iso2": "DO"
      "name": "Nepal",
      "iso2": "NP"

Response parameters

Name Description
code 0 if success response
message SUCCESS
data List of CountryInfo
CountryInfo parameters
Name Description Type
name Country name Text
iso2 Country ISO2 code Text (2 length)

Get day wise covid-19 report of a county

  • This API will return day wise covid-19 reports for a country from the first recorded case.

Resource URL




Path parameter

  • countryISO2 : Iso2 code of a country from above Get Countries API.


  "code": "0",
  "message": "SUCCESS",
  "data": [
            "countryName": "Nepal",
            "confirmed": 268948,
            "deaths": 1986,
            "recovered": 263348,
            "active": 3614,
            "confirmedIncrementRate": 0.11,
            "deathsRate": 0.74,
            "recoveredRate": 97.92,
            "activeRate": 1.34,
            "date": "2021-01-22T00:00:00Z"
            "countryName": "Nepal",
            "confirmed": 269180,
            "deaths": 1994,
            "recovered": 263734,
            "active": 3452,
            "confirmedIncrementRate": 0.09,
            "deathsRate": 0.74,
            "recoveredRate": 97.98,
            "activeRate": 1.28,
            "date": "2021-01-23T00:00:00Z"

Response parameters

Name Description
code 0 if success response
message SUCCESS
data List of DailyCovidReportItem
DailyCovidReportItem parameters
Name Description Type
countryName Country name Text
iso2 Country ISO2 code Text (2 length)
confirmed Number of confirmed cases Number
deaths Number of deaths Number
recovered Number of recovered Number
active Number of active cases Number
confirmedIncrementRate Confirmed cases increment rate from last day Number
deathsRate Deaths percentage on day's confirmed case Number
recoveredRate Recovered percentage on day's confirmed case Number
activeRate Active cases percentage on day's confirmed case Number
date Date Text (ISO-8601 date)

Error codes

code message
CVD003 Country iso2 is missing.
CVD003 Country iso2 is invalid.
CVD002 Could not get country wise covid info from external service. Or Error message return by external service

API Description

  • Input Data is validated in the beginning.
  • Fetch the day wise covid info from external public API
  • Calculate additional report fields like rates.
  • Build and send the daily covid report in response.

Send email to system users

  • This API will send email to system users who have valid emails.

Resource URL




Request body

    "content":"Hi there, \nHow are you doing? \nThank you",

Request parameters

Name Description Type Default
subject Email subject text (998 max length)
content Email body content text (4000 max length)
count (Optional) Number of users to send emails number (max 50) 50


  "code": "0",
  "message": "SUCCESS",
  "data": {
    "usersWithValidEmail": [
        "name": "user1169",
        "email": "test169@test.com"
        "name": "user1168",
        "email": "test168@test.com"
    "usersWithInvalidEmail": [
        "name": "user1172",
        "email": "test@172@test.com"

Response parameters

Name Description
code 0 if success response
message SUCCESS
data.usersWithValidEmail List of UserBasicInfo for whom we send email successfully
data.usersWithInvalidEmail List of UserBasicInfo who have invalid emails
UserBasicInfo parameters
Name Description Type
name Name of an user Text
email Email address of an user Text

Error codes

code message
URS001 Email subject is missing.
URS002 Email body content is missing.
URS009 Count exceeded max limit.
URS010 Email subject exceeded max length limit.
URS011 Message exceeded max length limit.
URS004 Could not found users.
URS003 Could not send email.

Get Users

  • This API will provide all users registered in system.

Resource URL





  "code": "0",
  "message": "SUCCESS",
  "data": [
      "id": 70,
      "name": "user1172",
      "email": "test@172@test.com",
      "isEmailValid": false
      "id": 69,
      "name": "user1169",
      "email": "test169@test.com",
      "isEmailValid": true

Response parameters

Name Description
code 0 if success response
message SUCCESS
data List of UserInfo
UserInfo parameters
Name Description Type
id Id of an user Long
name Name of an user Text
email Email address of an user Text
isEmailValid Flag to indicate email is valid or not Boolean

Add a user to system

  • This API will add a user to system.

Resource URL




Request body


Request parameters

Name Description Type Validation Regex
name Name of a user text
email Email of a user text ^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,6}$


    "code": "0",
    "message": "SUCCESS",
    "data": {
        "id": 1622281558701,
        "name": "Sunil",
        "email": "sunil15poudel@gmail.com",
        "isEmailValid": true

Response parameters

Name Description
code 0 if success response
message SUCCESS
data UserInfo
UserInfo parameters
Name Description Type
id Id of an user Long
name Name of an user Text
email Email address of an user Text
isEmailValid Flag to indicate email is valid or not Boolean

Error codes

code message
URS005 Email is missing.
URS006 Email is invalid.
URS007 Name is missing.
URS008 Could not add user.


There are four high level packages

  1. rest: Package that contains end point of api
  2. lib: Library files
  3. repositories: Main business logic of the project
    1. impl: Main business logic implementation.
    2. dtos: Object files related to the project.
    3. constants: Files that contains the app constants.
    4. services.covid19: Contains game services external api call logic implementation,
    5. services.mailclient.impl: App specific implementation of HttpClient.
    6. dao: App database related operation files.
    7. dao.entites: Java Object that will match to the database table schema.

Code Description

  • RestApplication | PingResource | CovidUpdatesResource | UserResource
    • Rest endpoint is located in these files.
  • CovidUpdatesRepository | UserRepository
    • This file contains main usecase of our file
  • Covid19APIService
    • This file contains a function to get countries list and country wise covid19 info from external public API.
  • MailSender
    • This file contains utils functions for HTTP API call.
  • UserDao
    • This file contains functions to perform read and write to the user database.

Other Description About APIs

  • Input Data is validated in the beginning.
  • Used HttpClient from JavaEE to perform external API call.
  • Used JavaMail API for sending emails.
  • Used JUnit and Mockito for unit test.
  • 100% test coverage is maintained for all the code that consists of business logic.



Language:Java 98.9%Language:Dockerfile 1.1%