potherca-bash / inline-source

Inline `source`-ed code.

Home Page:https://bash.pother.ca/inline-source/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Inline source

Inline source-ed code.


The advised installation method is using the bpkg package manager, as this will allow versioning to be used:

bpkg install potherca-bash/inline-source@v0.2.0

Alternatively, the latest version of this project's main script can be downloaded directly:

curl -Lo- https://bpkg.pother.ca/inline-source/dist/inline_source
chmod +x inline_source


This script will output a file for a given path, will all sourced files inlined.

inline_source <source-file>

For instance, given a file a.sh and file b.sh like this:


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo 'I am file A.'

source 'b.sh.'


#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo 'I am file B.'

Calling inline_source a.sh will output:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

echo 'I am file A.'

echo 'I am file B.'

If a script sources files that are not in the $PATH, this will need to be resolved before calling inline_source:

export PATH="${PATH}:/path/to/sources" && inline_source a.sh

All that really happens is that the code of any file that is sourced in the main script is placed inline.

This allows for a single script to be created for distribution purposes.

For instance, the distribution file in this repo was created by pipe-ing the output to a file:

inline_source inline_source.sh > dist/inline_source

The script leaves everything "as-is", except for any shebang lines that it might find. To clean things up, pipe this script through a formatter, for instance shfmt:

inline_source inline_source.sh | shfmt -i 2 -ci -s > dist/inline_source


This repository is set up like this:

    ├── deps/       <-- Third-party dependencies
    ├── dist/       <-- Bundled distribution script
    ├── src/        <-- Source files
    ├── bpkg.json   <-- Package declaration
    └── README.md   <-- You are here

Dependencies needed by this project are managed through bpkg.

To install them (in the deps/ folder) run:

bpkg getdeps

After that, edits can be made to files in the src/ directory.

Finally, to create a single file containing all the source logic (this time using a docker image for shfmt), run:

bash inline_source.sh inline_source.sh \
  | docker run -i --rm --volume="$PWD:/mnt" -w /mnt mvdan/shfmt -i 2 -ci -s \
  > dist/inline_source

This will create a distribution file in the dist/ directory.