A collection of links that cover what happened during ElixirConf 2017. Please feel free to submit a PR!
Opening Keynote by Justin Schneck
Alchemist Gopher: My Journey from Go to Elixir by Veronica Lopez
Elixir Native UI by Boyd Multerer
HTTP/2 Plug to Phoenix, Cowboy too by Gary Rennie
Building an Artificial Pancreas with Elixir and Nerves by Tim Mecklem
Don't Write Macros (But Do Learn How They Work) by Jesse J. Anderson
- Video
- Slides
- Links:
- Article - Understanding Elixir Macros by Saša Jurić
- Book - Metaprogramming Elixir by Chris McCord
- Community - Elixir Slack Group
- Official Docs - Kernel
- Official Docs - Kernel.SpecialForms
- Official Docs - Macro
- Official Guide - Quote and unquote
- Official Guide - Macros
- Official Guide - Domain Specific Languages
- Video - Elixir in Elixir by Jay Hayes
- Video - Write Less, Do More (and Have Fun!) with Elixir Macros by Chris McCord
Thinking In Ecto by Darin Wilson
Elixir by the Bellyful by Bryan Hunter
Embedded Elixir for Monitoring the Built Environment by Christopher Coté
Phoenix after 100,000 lines by Renan Ranelli
It's Better Unstated by TJ Stankus
Working with legacy databases in Ecto by Geoffrey Lessel
Back on Your Feet by Claudio Ortolina
Perhap: Applying Domain Driven Design and Reactive Architectures to Functional Programming by Rob Martin
Writing an Editor in Elixir by Ian Duggan
- Video
- Slides - Not uploaded yet. Submit a PR if you find it!
- Links:
- Editors mentioned
- Rope (data structure)
- Ropes in Elixir
- Ropes in Rust
- wx
- wx Elixir wrapper
- combine
Cajoling the Bird: How we squeezed more out of Phoenix PubSub by Simon Zelazny
Keep an Eye on the Sky with Nerves and Phoenix by Jeff Smith
Scaling Up Elixir at TpT by Shanti Chellaram
Streaming Video with Elixir by John Wahba
- QRCode
- Thesis
- XProf
- Mohd Maqbool Alam
- ElixirMock: Creating inspectable mock modules for testing
Opening Keynote by José Valim
Live APIs with GraphQL Subscriptions by Bruce Williams & Ben Wilson
ElixirBridge: How Do We Shape Community? by Anna Neyzberg
Dr. Erlang/OTP or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love :disk_log
by Eric Entin
Patience: Using Phoenix.Presence in a Primary Care Clinic by Keith Gautreaux
Elixir + Neo4j by Regina Imhoff
- Video
- Slides - Neo4j + Elixir
- Links:
Managing Tables With Elixir and OTP by Robert Beene
The Power of Zero by Andrew Forward
Well-Behaved Native Implemented Functions for Elixir by Andrew Bennett
Building an Open Source, Real-Time Forum with Phoenix and Elm by Josh Adams
Elixir, The Toyota Way by Powell Kinney
Elixir Power Tracing by Gabi Zuniga
Plugging the Security Holes in Your Phoenix Application by Griffin Byatt
Building Realtime Mobile Apps with React Native and Elixir by Osayame Gaius-Obaseki
Implementing a MQTT client in Elixir by Martin Gausby
Realtime Vehicle Tracking with Elixir and Phoenix by James Smith
Idea Scaling by Hannah Howard
- Video - Not uploaded yet
- Slides - Not uploaded yet. Submit a PR if you find it!
- Links:
- None yet. Open a PR!