potatomaster96 / resaliency

Simultaneous saliency retargeting and aesthetic enhancement with Tensorflow

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Aesthetic Driven Saliency Retargeting and Color Enhancement Network

Saliency retargeting refers to technique to alter focus in an image to guide a viewer’s attention. We are here to propose a saliency retargeting (attention retargeting) approach using deep learning that will take in an image together with a guiding saliency map and manipulate the input image according to the guiding saliency map. We will be employing a saliency estimator in guiding where the salient region should be, and several loss functions are used to train the model towards the result that we desired. GAN (Generative adversarial network) is utilized to make the output image looks realistic and to enhance the image aesthetic quality by using the idea of unpaired image enhancement.


This repo contains the following files

Files Description
color_convert.py Contains operations for changing colorspaces
custom_layers.py Contains custom-written layers and operations
helper.py Contains functions to build feature extractors
models.py Contains models for the network
networks.py Contains the overall network architecture
train.py Script to start or resume training
utils.py Contains image loading and augmentation operations
weights_mobilenet_aesthetic_0.07.hdf5 Weights for MobileNet NIMA model (aesthetics)

Get the dataset

Get the dataset from the link below, and extract the contents in the root directory of this project:


Install the required packages and libraries

To install all packages from requirements.txt:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Instructions for training the network

To start or resume the training process:

$ python train.py

To start or resume the training process with supported flags:

$ python train.py --epochs=1000 --batch_size=2
Supported Flags Description Default Value
--epochs number of total epoches 70
--steps number of total steps 1000
--batch_size number of samples in one batch 3
--patch_size image resolution during training None
--lr_gen initial learning rate for generator 1e-4
--lr_disc initial learning rate for discriminator 1e-4
--eval_rate rate for evaluating and saving checkpoints 200

Visualizing training process with Tensorboard

Type the command below in another terminal once you've started the training process:

$ tensorboard --logdir=logs


  • It is highly recommended to setup and run the project in a virtual environment (either conda or virtualenv)
  • This is tested primarily on python 3.6.x
  • You may need a microsoft account to download the dataset
  • Running train.py will create a "checkpoints" folder (for tensorflow to save or load models) and a "logs" folder (for tensorboard to store training progress) in the root directory


  • Testing script/notebook


Simultaneous saliency retargeting and aesthetic enhancement with Tensorflow

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%