posva / vue-compose-promise

πŸ’ Promises using vue composition api

Home Page:https://codesandbox.io/s/vue-compose-promise-example-toum7

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Use Vue Promised instead

It supports Vue 2 and Vue 3

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Easily manipulate Promises and their state in Vue

Depends on @vue/composition-api

CodeSandbox demo


npm install vue-compose-promise


    <span> Is the promise still pending: {{ usersPromise.isPending }} </span>
    <span> Is the 200ms delay over: {{ usersPromise.isDelayOver }} </span>
      Last successfully resolved data from the promise: {{ usersPromise.data }}
    <span> Error if current promise failed: {{ usersPromise.error }} </span>

import { createComponent } from '@vue/composition-api'
import { usePromise } from 'vue-compose-promise'

export default createComponent({
  setup() {
    const promised = usePromise({ pendingDelay: 200, promise: fetchUsers() })

    return {
      usersPromise: promised.state,

      fetchUsers() {
        promised.state.promise = fetchUsers()

Both, pendingDelay and promise can be reactive values like a computed property, a ref or a prop:

const search = ref('')
const usersPromise = computed(() => featchUsers(search.value))
const promised = usePromise({
  pendingDelay: props.displayLoaderDelay,
  promise: usersPromise,


usePromise<T>(options?: { pendingDelay?: number | Ref<number>; promise?: Promise<T> | Ref<Promise<T>> })

  • options
    • pendingDelay: amount of time in ms that should be wait whenever the a new promise is pending. This allows delaying the display of a loader to avoid flashing the screen. Can be a reactive property.
    • promise: initial promise. Can be null. Can be a reactive property.





πŸ’ Promises using vue composition api


License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 69.8%Language:JavaScript 24.0%Language:Vue 6.2%