postechsv / tee-formal-spec

Formal Specification of Trusted Execution Environment APIs

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This README file explains the artifact of our paper "Formal Specification of Trusted Execution Environment APIs", including how to install it and reproduce the experiments of the paper.

1. Artifact Overview

This artifact includes the following:

  (1) instructions on how to run our artifact,
  (2) scripts to reproduce the experiments of our paper, and
  (3) our formal models and the raw log files for the experiments.

This artifact consists of the following files and directories:

- INSTALL         : an instruction file for installation instructions,
- LICENSE         : the license of the artifact,
- REQUIREMENTS    : hardware and software requirements for the artifact,
- formal-model  	: the source codes of our TEE API formal model,
- analysis      	: the source codes for formal analysis of the MQT-TZ benchmark,
- paper-logs      : the raw log files for the experiments shown in the paper,
- scripts         : the scripts to reproduce the experiments of our paper,
- tests           : files for rudimentary testing,
- Makefile        : a makefile for setting permissions for executables and running rudimentary test,
- 3rd_party       : Maude executables for MacOS and Linux,
- paper.pdf       : a copy of the accepted paper (pre-print).

2. Running the Artifact

To run the artifact without Docker, the followings are required:

- Python version 3.8 or newer:

- Utilities: parallel, make

    Use the following command to install these utilities.

    * Ubuntu
      $sudo apt update && apt install parallel make -y
    * MacOS

      $brew install parallel make

To install our artifact, follow the below instruction steps:

1. Run 'make' at the top directory:

  - ~/tee-formal-spec$ make
2. Use the following command to run smoke tests for our installation:
  - ~/tee-formal-spec$ make test

  This command requires sudo permission.

3. If the tests succeed, you will see the following messages:

  start smoke test ...
  [exec] Python: pass
  [exec] GNU-Parallel: pass
  [exec] Maude:
    ./tests/maude/01.maude: pass
    ./tests/maude/02.maude: pass
    ./tests/maude/03.maude: pass
    ./tests/maude/04.maude: pass

Remark: On macOS, the Mac system may block the Maude executable. To resolve this issue, navigate 
to the settings > security & privacy tab and grant permission to the Maude executable.

3. Reproducing the Experiments

To reproduce the experiments of our paper (Table 2 and 3), follow the instructions:

1. Go to the 'scripts' directory.

   ~/tee-formal-spec$ cd ./scripts

2. Use the 'run-exp' script to reproduce each experiment (in parallel).
   For example, to reproduce the Table 2 of our paper, use the following command:

   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./run-exp table2             	  # Reproducing Table 2 of our paper, in parallel.

   The script can also reproduce experiments in non-parallel. 
   To run the script in non-parallel, set the option '-non-parallel'.
   For example, to reproduce the Table 3 of our paper in non-parallel, use the following command:

   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./run-exp table3 -non-parallel   # Reproducing Table 3 of our paper, in non-parallel.

The above commands create two directories: (1) 'table2' and (2) 'table3', where each directory contains raw log files 
in the 'logs' directory and Maude files, used for each experiment, in the 'maude-files' directory. 
We explain more details of these two directories in Section 5.

Remark: We conducted the reproduction on an Intel Mac (dual-core Intel Core i5 and 8GB memory) in parallel 
        and it took around 30 minutes to complete each experiment. In total, it took an hour to finish the experiments.

3. Use the 'gen-report' script to create a spread sheet report file from the log files.
   For example, to create a report file for the 'table2' directory, use the following command:

   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./gen-report ./table2

The above command creates a 'table2-report.csv' file, which contains the data for the Table 2 of our paper.

4. Then, use the 'gen-table' script to create a html table from the report file.
   For example, to create a html table for the 'table2-report.csv', use the following command:

   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./gen-table ./table2-report.csv

The above command creates a 'table2.html' file, which is the same table of our paper.

Note: When you logout from the Docker container, the docker container and all its data are deleted immediately.

4. Running the Scenarios

We also provide the 'run' script in the 'scripts' directory to run each scenario 
of the experiments (i.e., each row of the Tables of our paper). 

The script takes three arguments:

  (1) an LTL property of interest  (provided in 'analysis/LTL/properties.maude')
  (2) a threat model               (provided in 'analysis/threats/')
  (3) a flag indicating whether to use the code-level patch (optional)

To run specific scenario, use the 'run' script. For example, we can use the following commands: 

   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./run p1 msg
   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./run p1 oom -patch
   ~/tee-formal-spec/scripts$ ./run p2 non

to run the following scenarios, respectively:

   - verifying the property p1 under the message modification threat,
   - verifying the property p1 under the out-of-memory threat with the code-level patch, and
   - verifying the property p2 with no threats.

The script creates two subdirectories: (1) 'maude-files' and (2) 'logs', where 'maude-file' contains Maude files used 
for the analysis and 'logs' contains the result log files. We explain more details of the two directories in Section 5.

5. Log Files for the Experiments

The directory 'paper-logs' of the top artifact directory contains the log files for the experiments.
There are two subdirectories in the 'paper-logs' directory: (1) 'table2', and (2) 'table3', containing experimental 
results shown in paper's Table 2 and Table 3, respectively. Each subdirectory contains two directories: (1) 'maude-files', and (2) 'logs',
where 'maude-files' includes the formal models and analysis codes, used for running the experiments, and 'logs' contains the result files:

Files in 'maude-files'

  - p{i}_non.maude 	: Model with no threats (NON). 
  - p{i}_msg.maude 	: Model with the message modification threat (MSG) .
  - p{i}_oom.maude 	: Model with the out-of-memory threat (OOM). 

Files in 'logs'

  - p{i}_non.txt 		: txt files containing the results of the experiments with NON.
  - p{i}_msg.txt 		: txt files containing the results of the experiments with MSG.
  - p{i}_oom.txt 		: txt files containing the results of the experiments with OOM.

6. The Structure of the TEE API Formal Model Directory

The directory 'formal-model' of the top artifact directory contains the source code for our formal model of TEE APIs.
Below is a brief description of each file separated into three categories.

- Formal model of the TEE API behavior

  - generic.maude.      	: Generic object with its behaviors.
  - transient.maude     	: Transient object with its behaviors. 
  - persistent.maude    	: Persistent object with its behaviors.
  - data-stream.maude   	: Data stream object with its behaviors.
  - enumerator.maude    	: Enumerator object with its behaviors.
  - cryptographic.maude 	: Cryptographic operation with its behavior.

- Formal model of the TEE infrastructure
  - objects.maude       	: Common storage objects (e.g., superclass object of transient and persistent objects).
  - handle.maude        	: Handle objects. 
  - constants.maude     	: Partial constants described in Global Platform spec.
  - data.maude          	: Functions handling data stream.
  - tee-data-type.maude 	: Data structures for TEE APIs described in Global Platform spec.
  - os.maude            	: Trusted OS object with its behavior and Device objects.
  - tee-client.maude    	: Trusted OS behaviors handling TEE Client API.
  - app.maude           	: Abstract program application object.
  - ree-app.maude       	: Rich application (RA) with its behaviors.
  - tee-app.maude      	  : Trusted application (TA) with its behaviors.
  - tee-kernel.maude    	: Trusted application kernel object.
  - tee-msg.maude       	: Message used for invoking TEE storage APIs.
  - tee-panic.maude    	  : TEE API panic.

- Programming language semantics using the K framework

  - tee-api.maude   : TEE APIs defined in Global Platform spec. Sec 5,6.
  - imp.maude       : Syntax and semantics of the language.
  - k-prelude.maude : K-framework foundation.
  - tee-imp.maude   : TEE API specific language semantics.

The main.maude file is the main maude file that includes all of the above-mentioned files.

7. The Structure of the MQT-TZ Benchmark Directory

The directory 'analysis' of the top artifact directory contains the files used to formally analyze our MQT-TZ benchmark.
There are six subdirectories in 'analysis': 

  - mqttz     	: Maude source codes of MQT-TZ.
  - scenario  	: MQT-TZ scenarios used in the analysis.
  - LTL       	: LTL properties.
  - threats	    : Threat models.
  - cmd       	: Maude commands for the analysis.
  - script      : Translation script and auxiliary files.

Below are brief descriptions of each file in each subdirectory.

- Formal model of MQT-TZ (files in 'mqttz')

  - broker-ra.maude 	: MQT-TZ RA program.
  - broker-ta.maude 	: MQT-TZ TA programs (with/without patch and optimization).
  - broker.maude    	: MQT-TZ broker object and its behavior.
  - client.maude    	: MQT-TZ publisher & subscriber client objects and their behaviors.
  - consts.maude    	: Data structures for MQT-TZ.

- MQT-TZ scenarios (files in 'scenario')

  - aux.maude   	: Functions used to initialize scenarios.
  - base.maude  	: Our base MQT-TZ scenario explained in the paper Section 6.2.

- LTL properties (files in 'properties')

  - properties.maude    	: LTL properties as shown in paper's Table 1.
  - propositions.maude  	: Propositions used to define LTL properties.

- Threat models (files in threats)

  - msg.maude  	    : Message modification threat model.
  - oom.maude   	  : Out-of-memory threat model.


Formal Specification of Trusted Execution Environment APIs

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C 59.8%Language:Python 29.6%Language:HTML 7.0%Language:Shell 3.2%Language:Makefile 0.4%