posgnu / guided-diffusion-tissues

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is the codebase for the project on improving the resolution of tissue images. The code for ESRGAN is in Real-ESRGAN.zip.

We aim to try various CNN models, including recently reliazed guided diffusion models. We heavily rely on the codebase for Diffusion Models Beat GANS on Image Synthesis openai/guided-diffusion.


  • Python 3.9


pip install -e .
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/anaconda3/lib


For running with mpi, you need to install it. I did conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py.

Data exploration

Check notebooks. We decided to divide the dataset to the following groups: 70% training, 20% validation, 10% testing. Validation dataset will be used to visualize intermediate results, testing will be held out until the very end.

Validation samples:

'Slide002-2.tif', 'Slide003-2.tif', 'Slide005-1.tif', 'Slide008-1.tif', 'Slide008-2.tif', 'Slide010-1.tif', 'Slide011-1.tif', 'Slide011-5.tif', 'Slide011-6.tif', 'Slide019-3.tif', 'Slide022-1.tif', 'Slide022-3.tif', 'Slide023-3.tif', 'Slide025-1.tif', 'Slide028-1.tif', 'Slide029-3.tif', 'Slide030-1.tif', 'Slide032-3.tif', 'Slide036-1.tif', 'Slide036-2.tif', 'Slide037-2.tif', 'Slide039-1.tif', 'Slide042-1.tif', 'Slide044-3.tif', 'Slide046-3.tif', 'Slide047-2.tif', 'Slide053-1.tif'

Testing samples:

'Slide008-3.tif', 'Slide011-4.tif', 'Slide013-2.tif', 'Slide014-2.tif', 'Slide019-1.tif', 'Slide019-2.tif', 'Slide022-4.tif', 'Slide031-1.tif', 'Slide034-3.tif', 'Slide035-1.tif', 'Slide044-2.tif', 'Slide045-1.tif', 'Slide045-2.tif', 'Slide045-3.tif', 'Slide052-2.tif'

The IDs are already included as agruments in scripts/super_res_training.py

Training guided-diffusion model

You need to specify number of GPUs -n, location for storing models and all logger files --logdir. Other parameters were taken from the paper mentioned above. For trying a model, I suggest to change the following arguments: --log_interval 1 --save_interval 1 --tb_valid_im_num 1

After each --save_interval, the validation set is visualized to tensorboard. --tb_valid_im_num defines number of validation patches displayed in tensorboard. I wanted to add also assessment of the validation losses, but for some reason I have a CUDA error (will deal with this later).

Training from the scratch

NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 mpiexec -n 8 python3 scripts/super_res_train.py \
--model_path log/model240000.pt \
--patch_size 256 \
--data_dir /baldig/bioprojects2/BrownLab/Ptychography/Registered_Images2/high_res \
--log_dir log \
--diffusion_steps 1000 \
--noise_schedule "linear" \
--num_channels 192 \
--num_res_blocks 2 \
--num_head_channels 64 \
--attention_resolutions "32,16,8" \
--lr 1e-4 \
--log_interval 1000 --save_interval 10000 \
--batch_size 4 --tb_valid_im_num 8


NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 mpiexec -n 8 python3 scripts/super_res_train.py \
--patch_size 256 \
--data_dir /home/kgw/guided-diffusion-tissues/ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/test \
--val_data_dir /home/kgw/guided-diffusion-tissues/ILSVRC/Data/CLS-LOC/val \
--log_dir pre-train-log-256 \
--diffusion_steps 1000 \
--noise_schedule "linear" \
--num_channels 192 \
--num_res_blocks 2 \
--num_head_channels 64 \
--attention_resolutions "32,16,8" \
--lr 1e-4 \
--log_interval 100 --save_interval 10000 \
--batch_size 2 --tb_valid_im_num 8 \
--pre_train True

Resume training

NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 mpiexec -n 8 python3 scripts/super_res_train.py \
--resume_checkpoint log-fine-tune/model640000.pt \
--patch_size 256 \
--data_dir /baldig/bioprojects2/BrownLab/Ptychography/Registered_Images2/high_res \
--log_dir log-fine-tune \
--diffusion_steps 1000 \
--noise_schedule "linear" \
--num_channels 192 \
--num_res_blocks 2 \
--num_head_channels 64 \
--attention_resolutions "32,16,8" \
--lr 1e-4 \
--log_interval 100 --save_interval 10000 \
--batch_size 14 --tb_valid_im_num 8


NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 mpiexec -n 8 python3 scripts/super_res_sample.py \
--model_path log-fine-tune/model670000.pt \
--diffusion_steps 1000 \
--noise_schedule "linear" \
--num_channels 192 \
--num_res_blocks 2 \
--num_head_channels 64 \
--attention_resolutions "32,16,8" \
--base_samples /baldig/bioprojects2/BrownLab/Ptychography/Registered_Images2/low_res/Slide022-1.tif \
--log_dir test-result-256

Sample patches

NCCL_P2P_DISABLE=1 mpiexec -n 8 python3 scripts/super_res_sample_patches.py \
--patch_size 256 \
--model_path log/model080000.pt \
--diffusion_steps 1000 \
--noise_schedule "linear" \
--num_channels 192 \
--num_res_blocks 2 \
--num_head_channels 64 \
--attention_resolutions "32,16,8" \
--base_samples /baldig/bioprojects2/BrownLab/Ptychography/Registered_Images2/low_res/Slide022-1.tif \
--log_dir test-result-256

UNet training

python3 unet_train.py /baldig/bioprojects2/BrownLab/Ptychography/Registered_Images2/high_res --gpus 1 --epochs 10000

Things to consider:

Batch size is small because CUDA runs out of memory. Needs to be trained on larger nodes.

Patch size is also small, however, if making it larger, the batch size should be even smaller.

For now loss is just MSE. Maybe later we can add variational lower bound to the loss function.

Running tensorboard

Go to the folder, which you indicated in --log_dir

tensorboard --logdir runs/ --port=6009 --bind_all

The first raw of images correspond to low resolution input, the second row - high resolution target, the third row = prediction.


License:MIT License


Language:Python 70.2%Language:Jupyter Notebook 29.8%