portellam / guest-machine-guide

Guide for setup of a guest Libvirt/QEMU Virtual Machine (VM). Includes general overview and references, and optimizations for Windows VMs and hardware-passthrough (VFIO).

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Guest Machine Guide

Status: Work-In-Progress

Guide for setup of a guest Libvirt/QEMU Virtual Machine (VM). Includes general overview and references, and optimizations for Windows guests and hardware-passthrough (VFIO).

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Related Projects:

Auto X.Org | Deploy VFIO | Generate Evdev | Libvirt Hooks | Power State Virtual Machine Manager

Table of Contents



The purpose of this document is to inform a new or returning user how to optimize a Guest machine, without demanding greater research and time.

This document does not serve to replace existing knowledge-bases. If you have any unexpected questions, wish to fact-check, or want to expand your knowledge, then please visit these places!

Copy and paste what you need from here and/or any example XML files, to your Guest XML file.

Host Optimizations

TODO: add here.

Guest Optimizations

TODO: add here.

Guest XML Layout

Below is an incomplete layout for building a Guest machine. The lines include additional features, of which are absent when creating a Guest XML (with the virsh CLI command or virt-manager GUI application).

1. Syntax

<parent_tag_name attribute_name="attribute_value">

2. First Lines in XML

<domain> Tag Attribute Value Description
xmlns:qemu "http://libvirt.org/schemas/domain/qemu/1.0" Enable QEMU command lines and overrides.
type "kvm" Enable QEMU command lines and overrides.
<name/>1 none text Name of the Guest.
2.a. <name/> Best practice:

Note: The following formatting examples are a personal preference of the Author.

Format: purpose_vendor*_operating system_architecture_chipset_firmware_topology

* Optional, if Host machine contains two (2) or more video devices (GPU/VGA).

  • Example systems and names:
    • Modern gaming machine:      game_nvidia_win10_x64_q35_uefi_6c12t
    • Older 2000s gaming machine: retro_amd_winxp_x86_i440fx_bios_2c4t
    • Retro 1990s gaming machine: retro_3dfx_win98_x86_i440fx_bios_1c1t
    • Intel MacOS workstation:      work_macos_amd_x64_q35_uefi_6c12t
  • Purpose of the Guest (and suggested names):
    • Gaming PC:      game
    • Legacy/Retro PC: retro
    • Server:           server
    • Workstation PC:  work
    • etc.
  • Vendor name of the Video device:
    • AMD:      amd
    • Intel:      intel
    • NVIDIA:    nvidia
    • emulated: virtgpu
    • non-mainstream or legacy:
      • 3DFX: 3dfx.
  • Short name of the Operating System (OS):
    • Apple Macintosh:   macos
    • Linux:               arch, debian, redhat, ubuntu
    • Microsoft Windows: win98, winxp, win10
    • etc.
  • Short name of the CPU architectureref:
    • AMD/Intel 32-bit: x86
    • AMD/Intel 64-bit: x64
    • ARM 32-bit:       aarch32
    • ARM 64-bit:       aarch64
    • etc.
  • Virtualized chipsetref:
    • I440FX: i440fx
      • Emulated, older chipset by Intel.
      • Does support legacy Guests (example: Windows NT 5 and before, XP/2000, 9x).
      • PCI bus only; expansion devices will exist on a PCI topology.
      • Will accept PCIe devices.
    • Q35:    q35
      • Virtual, newer platform.
      • Native PCIe bus; expansion devices will exist on a PCIe topology.
      • Does not support legacy Guests.
  • Firmwareref:
    • BIOS: bios
    • UEFI:  uefi
  • Short-hand of Core topology: 4c8t
    • Given the amount of physical cores (example: 4).
    • Given the amount of logical threads per core (2 * 4 = 8).

3. Memory

To gather information of system memory, execute: free --kibi --total --wide

<memory> Tag Attribute Value Description
parent a number The total amount of memory.
unit "KiB" Amount of memory in Kibibytes (1024 bytes, Kilo is 1000 bytes).
<currentMemory> Tag Attribute Value Description
parent a number The current amount of memory.
unit "KiB" Amount of memory in Kibibytes (1024 bytes, Kilo is 1000 bytes).
<memoryBacking> Tag Attribute Value Description
<allocation/> mode immediate Specifies how memory allocation is performed.
<discard/> none none TODO: define, what is this?
<hugepages/>1 none none Enable Huge memory pages.
<nosharepages/> none none Prevents the Host from merging the same memory used among Guests.
3.a. <hugepages/>
  • Static allocation of Host memory pages into Guest memory pages.
  • Huge: Memory page size greater than 4K bytes (2M or 1G bytes). The greater the size, the lower the Host overhead.
  • Dynamic Host memory page allocation is more flexible, but will require defragmentation before use as Guest memory pages (before a Guest machine may start).
  • Warning: If the specified Guest memory pages exceeds the allocated Host memory pages, then the Guest machine will fail to start.

4. CPU Topology (1 / 2)

To gather information about your CPU, execute: lscpu | grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "per core|per socket|socket"

<vcpu> Tag Attribute Value Description
parent a number Specify number of Host threads for Guest (same as <cpu> tag).
placement "static" Static allocation of Guest CPU threads.
<iothreads> Tag Attribute Value Description
none a number Specify number of Host threads to manage storage block devices (see as <iothreadpin> tag).
<cputune> Tag Attribute Value Description
<vcpupin> vcpu a number Guest CPU: the Guest thread ID number.1
<vcpupin> cpuset a number Guest CPU: the Host thread ID number.2
<emulatorpin> cpuset a number Guest IRQ: the Guest IRQ thread ID number.3
<iothreadpin> iothread a number Guest IO: the Guest IO thread ID number.
<iothreadpin> cpuset a number Guest IO: the Host thread ID numbers.4
4.a. <vcpupin vcpu>
  • Count does not exceed value as defined in <vcpu placement>.
4.b. <vcpupin cpuset>
  • Threads should not overlap Host process threads.
4.c. <emulatorpin cpuset>
  • Emulator threads handle Interrupt Requests for Guest hardware emulation.
  • Threads should not overlap Guest CPU threads as defined in vcpupin cpuset.
4.d. <iothreadpin cpuset>
  • IO threads handle IO processes for Guest virtual drives/disks.
  • Threads should not overlap Guest CPU threads as defined in vcpupin cpuset.
4.e. Example XML:
  <!-- Given a 4-core, 8-thread CPU... -->
  <vcpu placement="static">4</vcpu>           <!-- Statically allocate four (4) cores to Guest. -->
  <iothreads>1</iothreads>                    <!-- Define one (1) thread to IO. -->
    <vcpupin vcpu="0" cpuset="2"/>            <!-- Guest CPU: use the third core, first thread. -->
    <vcpupin vcpu="1" cpuset="6"/>            <!-- Guest CPU: use the third core, second thread. -->
    <vcpupin vcpu="2" cpuset="3"/>            <!-- Guest CPU: use the fourth core, first thread. -->
    <vcpupin vcpu="3" cpuset="7"/>            <!-- Guest CPU: use the fourth core, second thread. -->
    <emulatorpin cpuset="1,4"/>               <!-- Guest IRQ: use the second core, two threads. -->
    <iothreadpin iothread="1" cpuset="1,4"/>  <!-- Guest IO: use the second core, two threads. -->

5. System Information Spoofing

To gather information about your BIOS, execute:

sudo dmidecode --type bios | grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "vendor|version|release date"

To gather information about your system, execute:

sudo dmidecode --type system | grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "manufacturer|product name|version|serial number|sku number|family"

  <!-- BIOS and System spoofing (you may copy your actual info). -->
  <sysinfo type="smbios">                                       <!-- This line is necessary! -->
      <entry name="vendor">American Megatrends Inc.</entry>     <!-- AMI is the industry standard BIOS vendor. -->
      <entry name="version">version_of_bios_firmware</entry>
      <entry name="date">MM/DD/YYYY</entry>
      <entry name="manufacturer">vendor_of_motherboard</entry>
      <entry name="product">product_name</entry>
      <entry name="version">Default string</entry>
      <entry name="serial">Default string</entry>
      <entry name="sku">Default string</entry>
      <entry name="family">Default string</entry>

6. Features

TODO: make the following inline XML into chart, describe each feature.

    <hyperv mode="custom">
      <relaxed state="on"/>
      <vapic state="on"/>
      <spinlocks state="on" retries="8191"/>
      <vpindex state="on"/>
      <runtime state="on"/>
      <synic state="on"/>

      <stimer state="on">
        <direct state="on"/>

      <reset state="on"/>
      <vendor_id state="on" value="1234567890ab"/>
      <frequencies state="on"/>
      <reenlightenment state="on"/>
      <tlbflush state="on"/>
      <ipi state="on"/>
      <evmcs state="on"/>
      <hidden state="on"/>
    <vmport state="off"/>
    <ioapic driver="kvm"/>

7. CPU Topology (2 / 2)

To gather information about your CPU, execute: lscpu | grep --extended-regexp --ignore-case "per core|per socket|socket"

7.a. Example output:
Thread(s) per core:                 2
Core(s) per socket:                 8
Socket(s):                          1

TODO: make the following inline XML into chart, describe each feature.

  <cpu mode="host-passthrough" check="none" migratable="on">  <!-- Spoof the CPU info, with the actual CPU info. -->
    <topology sockets="1" dies="1" cores="6" threads="2"/>
    <cache mode="passthrough"/>
    <feature policy="disable" name="hypervisor"/>
    <feature policy="disable" present="yes"/>
    <timer name="tsc" present="yes" mode="native"/>
<cpu> Tag Attribute Value Description
parent mode "host-passthrough" Spoof the Guest CPU info, with the actual Host CPU info.
check "none" TODO: add here.
migratable "on" TODO: add here.
<topology> sockets a number The number of CPU sockets, or maxmium number of dies.
dies a number The number of CPU dies (typically one).
cores a number The number of CPU cores.
threads a number The number of CPU threads per core (typically a factor of two).
<cache> mode "passthrough" Passthrough the Host CPU cache.
<feature> policy "disable" Disables policy.
name "hypervisor" TODO: add here.
<feature> policy "disable" Disables policy.
present "yes" TODO: add here.
<timer> name "tsc" TODO: add here.
present "yes" TODO: add here.
mode "native" TODO: add here.

8. Power Management

  <!-- Power Management -->
    <suspend-to-mem enabled="yes"/>   <!-- Enable S3 Suspend (Sleep) -->
    <suspend-to-disk enabled="yes"/>  <!-- Enable S4 Suspend (Hibernation) -->

9. Devices

TODO: make the following inline XML into chart, describe each feature???

  <!-- Emulated, Paravirtual, Passed-through Real PCI/e, and Shared Memory devices -->
9.a. Emulated Devices

TODO: make this inline XML?

lorem ipsum

9.b. Real/Passthrough Hardware Devices

TODO: make this inline XML?

  • AMD
    • Integrated
    • Dedicated
    • Reset bug
  • Intel
    • Integrated
    • Dedicated
      • Note: Not much research done regarding this topic. Please refer to any mentioned guides, the Reddit forum, or use an Internet search engine with the keywords intel gpu vfio.
    • Problems:
      • Boot bug (Solution: Use known-good copy of given GPU's video BIOS or VBIOS).
      • TODO: add references, programs used, instructions, and XML here.
9.c. Memory Devices

TODO: make this inline XML?

  • Looking Glass
  • Scream
  • ???

10. QEMU Command Line

TODO: make the following inline XML into chart, describe each feature.

  • Evdev
  <qemu:commandline>...</qemu:commandline>  <!-- Add Evdev here -->

11. QEMU Overrides

TODO: make the following inline XML into chart, describe each feature.


Benchmarking Guest Performance

TODO: add here.


1. Chipset

I440FX | Wikipedia | QEMU documentation

PCI vs PCIe | RedHat documentation

Q35 | RedHat documentation

2. CPU architecture

AArch32 | Wikipedia

AArch64 | Wikipedia

x86 | Wikipedia

x64 | Wikipedia

3. Firmware

BIOS | Wikipedia

UEFI | Wikipedia

4. Hugepages

Huge memory pages | Arch Wiki | Debian Wiki

5. Memory backing

Memory Tuning on Virtual Machines | RedHat documentation


Do you need help? Find any information to be inadequate? Notice any dead links? Please contact by raising an issue with the project itself.


  • add About.
  • add Documentation for:
    • guest XML layout
      • name syntax
      • introduction
      • memory
      • cpu topology (1/2)
      • system information spoofing
      • features
      • cpu topology (2/2)
      • power management
      • qemu command line
      • qemu overrides
    • host optimizations
    • guest optimizations
    • benchmarking performance
  • add References.
  • use collapsable dropdowns (https://gist.github.com/pierrejoubert73/902cc94d79424356a8d20be2b382e1ab).
  • add Guest XML file with all lines referenced in "Guest XML Layout".
  • add pictures of virt-manager.
  • flesh out "Guest XML Layout".
  • how to setup virtio disks (virtio, virtio-scsi).


Guide for setup of a guest Libvirt/QEMU Virtual Machine (VM). Includes general overview and references, and optimizations for Windows VMs and hardware-passthrough (VFIO).

License:GNU General Public License v3.0