This repository provides a set of tools for generating training data for speech enhancement, speech separation, multi-talker speech recognition, and speaker diarization by simulation. Simulated development and evaluation sets can also be created.
Run the following commands to set up an environment.
conda env create -f environment.yml # Create a conda environment with all dependencies, except for pyrirgen, installed.
conda activate jsalt2020_simulate
./ <your-data-dir> # Specify the location where you want the data to be stored.
source ./ # This is created by
./ # Download the clean subset of LibriSpeech.
The following Python packages need to be installed in advance.
- webrtcvad
- PySoundFile
- resampy
- pyrirgen
Create with the following line.
export EXPROOT=<your-data-dir>
Download and untar the LibriSpeech corpus from, untar them, which can be performed with the following script.
Please report problems with the GitHub issues of this repository. For discussions, please post your feedback to the workshop's Slack channel.