pooranjoyb / Hotel_ImperialPalace

UI for a responsive luxurious hotel made with pure HTML and CSS. Contributions are welcomed.

Home Page:https://pooranjoyb.github.io/Hotel_ImperialPalace/

Repository from Github https://github.compooranjoyb/Hotel_ImperialPalaceRepository from Github https://github.compooranjoyb/Hotel_ImperialPalace

Hotel Imperial-Palace

Home Page

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About Page

Unable to load image file

Welcome to Hotel-Imperial Palace

This is a simple and a complete responsive website created using the basics of HTML & CSS.

How to access this project ?

Using the link https://pooranjoyb.github.io/Hotel_ImperialPalace/

Using Gitbash to clone

  • Open Gitbash

  • Copy the following command to clone this repository in your local storage:

  • Hit the Enter key.

It would take a few seconds to clone the repository onto your system. Note: Please note that cloning depends on the internet connection and the time would depend on your connection bandwidth. If Git is not able to clone due to a weak connection, it would display a fatal error and the user is requested to try again until the above message does not appear.

  • Check in the local drive by navigating to it manually.

  • Open the index.html file to view the project

Contributions and Commits are apppreciated.


UI for a responsive luxurious hotel made with pure HTML and CSS. Contributions are welcomed.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:HTML 54.2%Language:CSS 43.1%Language:JavaScript 2.6%