poolik / callback-websocket

creating RESTful services over a WebSocket

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A simple library to create request-response queries over java WebSockets API


Time is ripe for using WebSockets in the wild. At least two latest versions of most common web browsers support them - http://caniuse.com/websockets.

Though WebSockets give you a fast full duplex communication channel, which is good for real-time data, it doesn't give you a mechanism to create the classic request - response style queries. Because of this, I guess currently the standard mechanism is to use a WebSocket for real-time notifications / messages (server -> client) and standard AJAX requests for every other user action (client -> server).

The reasoning behind the callback-websocket library goes as this:

If you already have a fast, full duplex communication channel, why not channel all of the required communication through it and completely stop using AJAX.


If you completely stop making AJAX requests and marshal all of your requests through one fast (already open) socket, naturally you're it's going to increase the speed of your requests.

My testing shows that it increases the speed of a request up to ~80% Performance comparision

But don't take my word for it, check out the performance-comparison example and run your own tests!


  1. Just add a dependency like so:

  2. Download the angular.websocket.callback module and add it as a dependency:

    var app = angular.module('your-module', ['angular.websocket.callback']);


AngularJS Client

To send classic requests over a WebSocket, inject the WebSocketService in your controller and invoke one of it's methods:

  • .get("/url")
  • .post("/url", {data:"data"})
  • .put("/url", {data:"data"})
  • .delete("/url", {data:"data"})

Each method returns a promise, which will be either resolved with the result of the request or rejected.

var DemoController = function ($scope, WebSocketService) {
    $scope.firstName = "";
    $scope.send = function() {
        WebSocketService.post("/helloworld", $scope.firstName).then(function(response) {
            $scope.response = response;
        }, function(error) {
            console.log("ERROR: " + error);

To receive any other data that might be pushed by the server to the client (some real-time notification) then use the .subscribe(callback); method. For example:

noc.factory('NotificationListener', function ($rootScope, WebSocketService) {
    $rootScope.notifications = [];

    ... //connect the WebSocketService

    WebSocketService.subscribe(function (message) {

Java server

To handle requests on the server side you need to do two things:

  1. In your WebSocketEndpoint @OnMessage method marshal the request to WebSocketRequestMarshaller like so:

    @ServerEndpoint(value = "/websocket/")
    public class WebSocketEndpoint {
      private static final WebSocketRequestMarshaller marshaller = new WebSocketRequestMarshaller();
      public void onWebSocketText(final Session session, String message) {
        marshaller.handleRequest(session, message);
  2. Implement a WebSocketRequestHandler

    public class HelloWorldHandler implements WebSocketRequestHandler {
      public Pair<String, List<RequestType>> getRequestMappings() {
        return Pair.of("/helloworld", Arrays.asList(RequestType.POST));
      public WebsocketResponse handle(WebsocketRequest request) throws Exception {
        return new StringResponse("Hello " + request.getRequestBody());

All WebSocketRequestHandler-s are dynamically found using Classfinder, so there's no need to register anything anywhere. To add a new handler simply create a class implementing WebSocketRequestHandler.

Full stack examples can be found here. Hopefully you can get a better picture there, about how everything fits together.


WebSocketRequestMarshaller constructor also accepts a Collection of WebSocketFilter-s.

public interface WebSocketFilter {
  boolean accepts(WebSocketRequest request);
  boolean filter(WebSocketRequest request);
  Exception getError(String url);

With filters each request can be preprocessed to add authentication, logging or whatever else capabilities. Out of the box an abstract UrlBasedFilter is available that filters request by the provided url regex. Users are meant to subclass it and implement the boolean filter(WebSocketRequest request); method.

If the boolean filter(WebSocketRequest request); returns false (ie. the filter rejects this request) then the error from Exception getError(String url); is returned to the client.


To implement authentication of requests an AuthenticationFilter is needed that, for example, filters all requests to */api/**. To achieve this, from your login handler (on the server side) respond with an object that among the authenticated user details sets a signed JSON Web Token. On the client side attach that token to the sessionStorage like so:

$scope.login = function () {
    WebSocketService.post('/login', $scope.user).then(function (response) {
        $window.sessionStorage.token = response.token;
        $scope.message = 'Welcome';
      }, function (error) {
        delete $window.sessionStorage.token; // Erase the token if the user fails to log in
        $scope.message = 'Error: Invalid user or password';

The WebSocketService sets the token header on every request if some value exists in $window.sessionStorage.token. So in your authentication filter for protected urls you can simply retrieve the token via request.getHeaders().get("token") and verify it's signature to make sure the user is authenticated.

More talk about JSON Web Token (JWT) based authentication can be found here. An example library to use in Java server side is nimbus-jose-jwt with code examples of how to create JWT-s and verify their signature here

Using the nimbus-jose-jwt library an AuthenticationFilter can look something like this (using the HMAC protection):

  public boolean filter(WebSocketRequest request) {
    try {
      JWSObject jwsObject = JWSObject.parse(request.getHeaders().get("token"));
      return jwsObject.verify(new MACVerifier(JSON_WEB_TOKEN_SECRET));
    } catch (Exception e) {
      log.error("Failed to parse JSON web token", e);
      return false;


creating RESTful services over a WebSocket

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 63.2%Language:Java 34.5%Language:Shell 2.4%