pombredanne / Ned

Artificial Artificial Intelligence for HipChat

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Ned Bot - Artificial Artificial Intelligence for HipChat

About Ned

What is it?

Ned is an XMPP bot, build on top of wobot that adds useful features like doing web searches, todo lists, weather information and much more to HipChat and allows you to have access to external data without the trouble of leaving your chat window.

Why is it called Ned?

Because, Skynet was taken.

Why is this written in Node.js?

Like omg, nodejs is not even a real language..

![Sending a message] (http://i45.tinypic.com/2h890ko.jpg)



  • Node.js
  • NPM
  • libexpat1
  • libicu
Click here for detailed instructions on [Installing Dependencies] (https://github.com/KartikTalwar/Ned/wiki/Installing-Dependencies)

Installing Ned

Downloading the files

$ git clone https://github.com/KartikTalwar/Ned.git
$ cd Ned
$ cp config.sample.js config.js

Installing Node Packages

This should be installed in the same folder such that a folder Ned/node_modules exists

$ npm install wobot
$ npm install request
$ npm install sqlite3
$ npm install node-stringprep

Configuring the Bot

Editing config.js

Setting Value
confServer Usually conf.hipchat.com
chatServer Usually chat.hipchat.com
userID The user id of the bot (generally customerid_userid)
password Password for the id above
name Should be Ned Bot since it replys to ned + command
city The local city for weather details
admins The userid (number after customer id) for other users for simon says plugin
roomsToJoin Array of room names (spaces with _ ) that it will join upon start
roomsNotToJoin Array of room names that it will never join unless invited
apiKeys API keys for different services for plugins

Starting the Bot


$ node server.js

Plugin Development

Here is the template for a plugin

Place the plugin inside the /plugins directory and it will automatically be included


var plugin = module.exports.plugin = 
                name        : 'greet',                        // must be unique
                trigger     : ['hi', 'hello'],                // prefix ned
                // trigger  : "([Nn]ed (hi|hello|yo).*)$",    // can also use regex
                enabled     : 'true',                         // plugin can be inactive
                fuzzy       : 'true',                         // autocorrect mispelled trigger
                description : 'Greets a user',                // about the plugin
                usage       : 'ned hi'                        // usage example

module.exports[plugin.name] = function(get)
    /* Available Methods: */

    // get.from              get.firstName              get.roomName
    // get.message           get.fullMessage 
    // get.isPrivate         get.isEmpty

    var response = "Hello, " + get.fistName + "from " + get.roomName;
    return true;


Legal Stuff

Copyright (C) 2012 Kartik Talwar. See LICENSE for details.


Artificial Artificial Intelligence for HipChat
