pollingj / itunes-parser

Elixir XML parser specifically for iTunes

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

iTunes Parser

Build Status

Elixir iTunes XML parser built on erlang's xmerl xml parser. It uses timex for parsing dates. The original code is based on Feedme.


Add itunes-parser into your mix dependencies and applications:

def application do
  [applications: [:itunes-parser]]

defp deps do
  [{:itunes-parser, "~> 0.1.0"}]

Then run mix deps.get to install ITunesParser.


iTunes parser expose only one function named parse/1. Parse function which expects feed format as rss.

{:ok, xml_string} = File.read("some.xml")
{:ok, feed} = ITunesParser.parse(xml_string)

# Feed
  meta: %ITunesParser.MetaData{
    author: nil,
    category: nil,
    cloud: nil,
    copyright: nil,
    description: "software is fun",
    docs: nil,
    generator: "Ghost 0.6",
    image: nil,
    language: nil,
    last_build_date: %Timex.DateTime{...},
    link: "http://blog.drewolson.org/", managing_editor: nil,
    publication_date: nil, 
    rating: nil,
    skip_days: [],
    skip_hours: [],
    title: "collect {thoughts}",
    ttl: "60",
    web_master: nil
  entries: [
      author: nil,
      categories: ["elixir"],
      comments: nil,
      description: "<p>I previously <a href=\"http://blog.drewolson.org/the-value-of-explicitness/\">wrote</a> about explicitness in Elixir. One of my favorite ways the language embraces explicitness is in its distinction between eager and lazy operations on collections. Any time you use the <code>Enum</code> module, you're performing an eager operation. Your collection will be transformed/mapped/enumerated immediately. When you use</p>",
      enclosure: %ITunesParser.Enclosure{
        length: "12216320",
        type: "audio/mpeg",
        url: "http://www.tutorialspoint.com/mp3s/tutorial.mp3"
      guid: "9b68a5a7-4ab0-420e-8105-0462357fa1f1",
      link: "http://blog.drewolson.org/elixir-streams/",
      publication_date: %Timex.DateTime{...},
      source: nil, title: "Elixir Streams"


Elixir XML parser specifically for iTunes

License:MIT License


Language:Elixir 100.0%