polaris-dxz / hexo-theme-smackdown

hexo-theme-smackdown DEMO:

Home Page:http://smackgg.github.io/blog

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a quite flamboyant hexo theme wrote by me long time ago.Actually, it's really not simple...

If you like this theme, please star, thanks

If you have some problems, you can submit an issue.I will fixed it.

2015-07-28 17:28:18

This theme changed based on Yilia .This theme site is smackdown.

You can go to my blog to see

You also can scan QR code on your mobile devices

QR code

  1. About this theme

  • Responsive Development
  • Performance
  • Compatible mobile
  • SEO
  • But don't support IE6,7,8
  1. Details


$ git clone https://github.com/smackgg/hexo-theme-smackdown themes/smackdown


Modify the root directory under your hexo _config.yml file.

theme: smackdown


cd themes/yilia
git pull
  1. Theme config

You should change 'config.yml' file under your theme directory. You can reference my blog.

# Header
  Home: /
  All: /archives
  # other: /tags/other

# SubNav
  # github: "#"
  # zhihu: "#"
  # mail: "#"
  # qq: "#"
  # weibo: "#"
  # rss: "#"
  #douban: "#"
  #facebook: "#"
  #google: "#"
  #twitter: "#"
  #linkedin: "#"

rss: /atom.xml

# Content
# excerpt_link: 阅读全文
excerpt_link: more
fancybox: true
mathjax: true

# Open animate
animate: true

# Open page in new window
open_in_new: false

# Baidu statistics,Google statistics
# baidu_tongji: true
# google_analytics: true

favicon: http://7xkj1z.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/head.jpg

# Your Head portrait
avatar: http://7xkj1z.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/head.jpg

# Open share
share: true

# You can open duoshuo, you should have a duoshuo-key. duoshuo: duoshuo-key
# You can use disqus
# duoshuo: your duoshuo id
# disqus_shortname: your disqus shortname

# Open tagcloud
tagcloud: true

# Read the article number(you should use leancloud)
  enable: false
  # app_id: your app_id
  # app_key: your app_key

# Links close
#friends: false
# Links open
  smackdown: https://github.com/smackgg/hexo-theme-smackdown
# Aboutme close
aboutme: false
# Aboutme open
# aboutme:

  enable: true
  1. Other

  • Read the article number

    If you wangt add this,you should have leancloud account.Then add appid and appkey to _config.yml.

    # Read the article number
      enable: false
      app_id: your_app_id
      app_key: your_app_key

    You can see details in 为smackdown添加阅读数

  1. Recent Update

Update: 2016-10-31

  • Update https issue
  • Update readme Update: 2016-12-14
  • Fixed bug about share on https.Use duoshuo share instead jiathis。


hexo-theme-smackdown DEMO:



Language:JavaScript 53.7%Language:CSS 33.3%Language:HTML 13.0%