An asset for camera shake in Unity.
- One line of code shake with presets
- Several shake algorithms suitable for a wide range of use cases
- Change strength and direction of the shake depending on
position of the shake source - Easy to write custom shakes
- Installation
- Usage
- Presets
- PerlinShake
- BounceShake
- KickShake
- Time Envelope
- Spatial Attenuation
- Writing Custom Shakes
You can install the package via Package Manager using this URL:
. -
Or you can download .unitypackage and import it into your project.
Make the camera a child of another gameobject. When you want to move the camera move the parent.
component to the camera gameobject.
By default CameraShaker
works with its own transform. Alternatively, you can add CameraShaker
to any gameobject you like and set it's cameraTransform
field in inspector, or by calling CameraShaker.Instance.SetCameraTransform
The simplest way to shake the camera is to use presets. Class CameraShakePresets
allows to generate some common shake types with one line of code.
Call CameraShaker.Presets.Explosion2D
to start a shake. Don't forget to add CameraShake
using UnityEngine;
using CameraShake;
public class MinimalExample : MonoBehaviour
private void Explode()
// Something explodes ...
If you need more options, than provided by presets, you need to create an instance of some shake class and pass it into the CameraShaker.Shake
. There are three default shake classes: PerlinShake, BounceShake and KickShake. You can also write your own shakes. The example below is for PerlinShake
using UnityEngine;
using CameraShake;
public class Gun : MonoBehaviour
PerlinShake.Params shakeParams;
public void Shoot()
// Shooting ...
CameraShaker.Shake(new PerlinShake(shakeParams));
The constructor of PerlinShake
takes an instance of PerlinShake.Params
as an input. You can expose the parameters variable on some MonoBehaviour
or ScriptableObject
to tweak the parameters in the inspector.
Shakes can have more options in their constructors. For example you can pass position of the source of the explosion into the PerlinShake
constructor, and the shake will change the strength depending on the distance from the source to the camera.
public class Grenade : MonoBehaviour
public void Explode(float explosionStrength, PerlinShake.Params shakeParams)
CameraShaker.Shake(new PerlinShake(shakeParams, explosionStrength, transform.position));
Suitable for short and snappy shakes in 3D. Rotates camera in all three axes. Uses BounceShake
Parameter | Description |
strength | Strength of the shake. |
freq | Frequency of shaking. |
numBounces | Number of vibrations before stop. |
Suitable for short and snappy shakes in 2D. Moves camera in X and Y axes and rotates it in Z axis. Uses BounceShake
Parameter | Description |
positionStrength | Strength of motion in X and Y axes. |
rotationStrength | Strength of rotation in Z axis. |
freq | Frequency of shaking. |
numBounces | Number of vibrations before stop. |
Suitable for longer and stronger shakes in 3D. Rotates camera in all three axes. Uses PerlinShake
Parameter | Description |
strength | Strength of the shake. |
duration | Duration of the shake. |
Suitable for longer and stronger shakes in 2D. Moves camera in X and Y axes and rotates it in Z axis. Uses PerlinShake
Parameter | Description |
positionStrength | Strength of motion in X and Y axes. |
rotationStrength | Strength of rotation in Z axis. |
duration | Duration of the shake. |
combines layers of Perlin noise with different frequencies to create smooth and nuanced shake. Works better for longer shakes. For very short shakes consider using BounceShake
Parameter | Description | |
parameters | Parameters of the shake. | |
maxAmplitude | Maximum amplitude of the shake. | |
sourcePosition | World position of the source of the shake. | |
manualStrengthControl | false | Play shake once automatically. |
true | Manually control strength over time. |
For more details on maxAmplitude
and manualStrengthControl
see Time Envelope.
Parameter | Description |
strength | Strength of the shake for each axis. |
noiseModes | Layers of Perlin noise with different frequencies. |
envelope | Strength of the shake over time. |
attenuation | How strength falls with distance from the shake source. |
For more details on envelope
see Time Envelope. For more details on attenuation
see Spatial Attenuation.
is useful for short and precise shakes. Unlike PerlinShake
, it will provide reliable shake strength. Consider using PerlinShake
for longer and stronger shakes.
Parameter | Description |
parameters | Parameters of the shake. |
initialDirection | Initial direction of the shake motion. |
sourcePosition | World position of the source of the shake. |
Creates BounceShake
with random initial direction.
Parameter | Description |
parameters | Parameters of the shake. |
sourcePosition | World position of the source of the shake. |
Parameter | Description |
positionStrength | Parameters of the shake. |
rotationStrength | Strength of the shake for rotational axes. |
axesMultiplier | Preferred direction of shaking. |
freq | Frequency of shaking. |
numBounces | Number of vibrations before stop. |
randomness | Randomness of motion. |
attenuation | How strength falls with distance from the shake source. |
For more details on attenuation
see Spatial Attenuation.
Makes one kick in specified direction. Useful for recoil.
Parameter | Description |
parameters | Parameters of the shake. |
direction | Direction of the kick. |
Creates an instance of KickShake in the direction from the source to the camera.
Parameter | Description |
parameters | Parameters of the shake. |
sourcePosition | World position of the source of the shake. |
attenuateStrength | Change strength depending on distance from the camera? |
Parameter | Description |
strength | Strength of the shake for each axis. |
attackTime | How long it takes to move forward. |
attackCurve | Forward motion curve. |
releaseTime | How long it takes to move back. |
releaseCurve | Back motion curve. |
attenuation | How strength falls with distance from the shake source. |
For more details on attenuation
see Spatial Attenuation.
Class Envelope
controls amplitude of the shake over time. It can work in two modes. In automatic mode it plays the shake ones with selected maxAmplitude
In manual mode you can keep the reference to the PerlinShake
and change amplitude whenever you like.
public class Vibrator : MonoBehaviour
PerlinShake.Params params;
PerlinShake shake;
private void Start()
shake = new PerlinShake(params);
public void Vibrate(float amplitude)
See interactive demonstration.
Parameter | Description |
attack | How fast the amplitude increases. |
sustain | How long in seconds the amplitude holds maximum value. |
decay | How fast the amplitude decreases. |
degree | Power in which the amplitude is raised to get intensity. |
Class Attenuator
provides methods for changing strength and direction of the shake depending on position of the shake source relative to the camera.
See interactive demonstration.
Parameter | Description |
clippingDistance | Radius in which shake doesn't lose strength. |
falloffScale | How fast strength falls with distance. |
falloffDegree | Power of the falloff function. |
axesMultiplier | Contribution of each axis to distance. E. g. (1, 1, 0) for a 2D game in XY plane. |
works with any class that implements ICameraShake
public interface ICameraShake
// Represents current position and rotation of the camera according to the shake.
Displacement CurrentDisplacement { get; }
// Shake system will dispose the shake on the first frame when this is true.
bool IsFinished { get; }
// CameraShaker calls this when the shake is added to the list of active shakes.
void Initialize(Vector3 cameraPosition, Quaternion cameraRotation);
// CameraShaker calls this every frame on active shakes.
void Update(float deltaTime, Vector3 cameraPosition, Quaternion cameraRotation);
Here is a basic example of a custom shake class.
public class VeryBadShake : ICameraShake
readonly float intensity;
readonly float duration;
float time;
public VeryBadShake(float intensity, float duration)
this.intensity = intensity;
this.duration = duration;
public Displacement CurrentDisplacement { get; private set; }
public bool IsFinished { get; private set; }
public void Initialize(Vector3 cameraPosition, Quaternion cameraRotation)
public void Update(float deltaTime, Vector3 cameraPosition, Quaternion cameraRotation)
time += deltaTime;
if (time > duration)
IsFinished = true;
CurrentDisplacement =
new Displacement(Random.insideUnitCircle * intensity,;