Note: The operation of this circuit depends on the breakdown characteristics of the 2N2369 transistor used.
Please refer to the Application notes provided.
I had no problems with the boards I constructed but I have had reports of the circuit not working. The 2N2369 transistors appears to be no longer available. I have no experience with using the circuit with 2N2369A or BSX20 devices. Ihave a report that is does not work with these devices likely due to insufficient voltage to breakdown.
This module produces a pulse with a very fast rise time.
Its main use is for testing oscilloscope rise-time and hence estimating bandwidth.
For convenience the module is powered from a micro-usb socket.
Most current oscilloscopes have a USB host socket that can provide the power needed.
Connection to the oscilloscope will require a BNC-to-BNC adapter.
A length of 50ohm coax should be used to extend the pulse so that rise-time may be measured.
A Seven-Nanosecond Comparator for Single Supply Operation, Linear Technology’s Application Note 72, May 1998
High Speed Amplifier Techniques, Linear Technology’s Application Note 47, August 1991
This is an Altium designer project.
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